Reflection- Element Project

Inquiry -  This project reflected inquiry because we needed to ask ourselves how we would do each step. For example when we used the cutting tools we needed to ask ourselves questions like: "how will I cut out the finer details of my drawing" and etcetera.

Research - The project reflected research when we needed to find out what our mineral is used for. So in order to find out what would be an acceptable design we needed to research online what it has been used for.

Collaboration - The project reflected collaboration because often times I collaborated with fellow students and my teacher for my concepts. For example I went to a supervisor student to collaborate ideas about what to have for my final concept.

Presentation - It reflected presentation because we often tried to smoothen out final details to make the final product look nicer. For example when I was cutting into my design I often had to work out the final details to get the design I was looking for.

Reflection- The project reflected reflection because it allowed us to compare some of our previous looks to others and see which one worked the best. An example of this is how we did more than one print so if one we did didn't turn out just like how we wanted we could know what to change for the next one.
photo 1
photo 1
photo 2
photo 2
photo 3
photo 3
