Reflection Kamil Kielar

Today in class we had watched a video about a little boy that was getting bullied. The bullies were doing all these mean thing to him and you could help him out by pressing this emoji. After you press the emoji the bullies do nice things to him instead bullying him. When I had seen this video I had felt so emotionally touched and bad for him. I remember when I was younger I was bullied by some kids but then I just learned to ignore it and ever since nothing has been able to really offend me. Online I am a complete ghost. I have never have a single social media and never felt as if I need one. Based on this appearance I think people tend to ignore me completely online which is both good and bad. In my opinion the goal for an internet troll is to annoy you and make you feel bad about yourself. The positive side of being anonymous is no one can bully you because you don't exist but the downside is you cannot interact with friend and be able to talk to them even though your not next to them physically.       
