Screen Shot 2012-03-26 at 11.55.52 AM
Screen Shot 2012-03-26 at 11.55.52 AM
a. What went well?  The colors and the images are attractive to the eyes. And when it came to researching the information needed there were a fair amount of websites shown. 

b. What did not? In my view of the project I feel that there is an excess amount of words in the info graphic. If there had been more representation through graphs and images, then it would have been more efficient. 

c. What would you do differently next time? Next time I would have less words and more visual representation, as to not confuse the readers. 

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -

Be Concise- there are a lot of words so we weren't very concise

Be AttractiveBe Visual- The images and the connections in the color are very pleasing to the eyes

Be Smarter- 

Be Transparent

Be Accurate- since there is a great amount of information in the info graphic I believe that it is very accurate

Be Gracious

Be Varied/ Be DifferentBe Creative- it wasn't a very creative, or different approach in imagery

Which of these areas did you excel in? Which were not so well represented? Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product?
