Revised 2fer
Pilar Carroll
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American Apparel, a basic clothing company, has become a more well known business from their advertising strategy. They advertise sex through clothing , that makes their company talked about. Though their profits went down for a short period of time due to the economy, they still got a lot of publicity from the way that they advertised their clothing. If American Apparel stopped to think about it, they would realize that advertising sex is not just about having sex, but about celebrating sex through clothes.
According to a press report from the Chicago Flame, American Apparel’s main strategy for selling their products is advertising sex. The article states that American Apparel advertisements often have models or even store clerks that are wearing one article of clothing, usually a tee shirt or a pair of socks. The age group American Apparel is approaching are young adults. American Apparel as a business’ main concern is to sell clothes. If advertising sex sells, why not help a business while drifting on that topic? There is nothing that states they treat their workers and models unfairly. They are payed well living wages for the services that they do, and they are not forced to work, unlike other major clothing brand factories. Since no one at the factory is forced to work, they freely make the clothes, and the models freely shoot the scandalous advertisments.
One memorable statement American Apparel made that is advertising sex, is when the company made their mannequins have pubic hair, and nipples. The New York Daily News shared that the store posted a picture of the mannequins on instagram, a social media site with the caption,” Au natural is best but our lingerie is a close second. Stop by and get some V-day inspiration! #lingerie #AAlace #vday.” American Apparel says they are a company that celebrates natural beauty. They created their window off the idea of changing how people think of sexy. And how women should be called sexy by their natural selves. American Apparels post on instagram got 1,180 likes. This scandal made American Apparel the talk of the town. Though not all the comments about the mannequins were good, when someone would say or write American Apparel, they were promoting the company. By posting comments on social media, one follower more knows about American Apparel. So in the long run, there is more publicity on the company, and it will be more known around the world.
By a click of a button an article can be posted out to the world. American Apparel makes sure their article eye catching. They are scandalous, because of what they make themselves known for selling. Is it bad that they advertise sex? Not for them. Through advertising sex, they gain publicity. And rather than showing sex in a negative light, American Apparel makes it a beautiful thing. If American Apparel stopped to think about it, they would realize that advertising sex is not just about having sex, but about celebrating sex through clothes.
Source #1
Fosses, Michaelia. "Questionable American Apparel CEO Pits Crude Background against Positive Business Ethics - Chicago Flame - American Apparel." Questionable American Apparel CEO Pits Crude Background against Positive Business Ethics - Chicago Flame - American Apparel. N.p., 9 Jan. 2006. Web. 26 Sept. 2014.
Source #2
Miller, Tracy. "A Hair Too Far? American Apparel Debuts Pubic Hair on Mannequins ." NY Daily News. N.p., 17 Jan. 2014. Web. 26 Sept. 2014.
To revise this paper, I mostly worked on, my spelling, remembering words (not forgetting words), And add more thoughts. I had multiple spelling errors, and punctuation. I also forgot to write in words in sentences such as, the, a, and. Lastly, I didn't go in debt with my thoughts, so I had to write more. I now feel my 2fer is complete.
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