Ryan Tucker Capstone

For my capstone project, I made the decision to teach a Career Exploration Mini-Course for freshmen at SLA. My motivation for teaching this mini-course stemmed from two primary reasons. First, I recognized that a mini-course would enable me to have a direct impact on the students at SLA, which was a key objective of mine. Secondly, I wanted to create something that would have a lasting impact beyond my time at SLA, which was my primary objective.

To begin my journey toward becoming a teacher, I researched what Career Exploration Course Curriculums typically look like to further brainstorm how I would model mine. Drawing inspiration from the sources I found online, I was able to develop my own curriculum. The process of creating my curriculum took me approximately two months, and once it was approved, I was ready to begin teaching.

During the course of my mini-course, I realized that students do not have sufficient access to college readiness classes. Planning for life after high school can be an overwhelming experience for many students, and I observed that some students were genuinely interested in learning how to navigate this process and the possible opportunities that are out there. Ultimately, my capstone project proved to be a highly rewarding experience, as I was able to contribute towards improving the SLA community.

Career Exploration Mini-Course
_Capstone Bibliography
Process Paper (1)
