Sa'Mya Burton Capstone 2023, Enzweiler

Schools normally teach students things they might need in life. They don’t teach you how to be successful. They don’t teach financial savings in order to succeed. This project I will be teaching students how to become their own boss. I will be teaching them another way to be successful. Schools program you to become a doctor, teacher, lawyer etc. What schools don’t teach us is how to be a successful business man/woman. I will become a teacher and teach them the way! This also benefits me as well because I will be using this plan to hopefully have a successful trucking company/business in the future. I’ve been researching the trucking business I want to pursue. I’ve come up with steps you and I would need to make in order to be successful. I gathered all the important information from websites and videos. I also spoke with a couple people that are in the trucking industry for advice. I hope you all enjoy!

Capstone Annotated Bibliography
