screens vs teens the finale
In blog post one and two I talk about how tv makes teens depressed and violent video video games make us more For my agent of change I made a video that basically summarized my annotated bibliography and included all of the important facts. I also talk about how if you use your screen for an hour before you go to sleep it will typically take you an hour to fall asleep if you are normal. My brother helped me to film the first scene which I appreciate. I think the video is very good and clever and will hopefully raise awareness I will post it to Facebook and other public
media's even though it is already on youtube to try and get the most attention. I feel like as a side thing to this project I have spent less time on screens even though the project kinda required a lot of screen time. If I were to do this again I would film the agent of change sooner. Filming my agent of change was very tricky because I am no professional and I don't have fancy equipment so I have to find ways around problems; like when I needed to read off my script but didn't have a teleprompter or anything so I just taped it to the wall. Also I originally wanted to film myself doing fun stuff like swinging from the monkey bars or doing a handstand but their were a bunch of flaws with those desires such as I couldn't hang from my feet on the monkey bars because I had never done it before and I coudn't read my script when I tried to hang upside down, and when I tried to do a handstand I couldn't hold it for all of my lines and it was also hard to read my script because all of the words were upside down. Nature was also a hastle because I would have like to have filmed more things outside but it took forever to film the first few and by then it started to get dark and I didn't want to film in the dark because I don't have any fancy lights and stuff like that. My parents also played a part in where I filmed because my mom was on the phone for a while and I didn't want to bother her so I didn't film near her and my dad was working in his study at home so I didn't want to film near him also I felt self conscious when they could hear me recording, so I mainly filmed in the basement where it was quite. However I do not like to film in my basement for a couple of reasons
1 because the lighting is pretty bad
2. because it's really quite like creepy quite
3. and lastly it's really creepy mainly because of the lack of light and lack of sound but that just makes it all the more creepy and makes me paranoid, so that's why I don't like filming in the basement.
here is my annotated bibliography
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