Sean Morris Capstone

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Screen Shot 2016-05-19 at 10.02.31 AM

For my Capstone I worked on the preproduction process to be able to make a high quality short film. This project took many different forms as I edited and reworked it. From creating a TV pilot episode to trying to film this film, I decided instead to focus my capstone on the pre production aspects on making this film, in which the ultimate result would be that I am ready to start filming. Which I have thus far succeeded in! In fact I have already filmed some scenes, which will be reshot later, but certainly demonstrate some examples of how page changes to screen.

The bulk of this project and my work lies on the script that it all comes from, which was a more difficult process than I originally gave it credit for. Creating a storyline, characters and especially dialogue that you feel like most audience members would be able to listen and respond well too- are all very difficult things to do I found. Especially when the content of your script deals with a supernatural element as well.

I was able to learn a lot into the making of films and media creations, and how encompassing and difficult it must be when you're actually in the industry. From script writing to getting props and more it was an incredibly involved process. I have been able to get my movie at a good place and I hope you will all enjoy it when it comes out next year!!!

Link to Google Folder with my work: Sean’s Capstone

Link to Citations (also in folder): Citations

