

When I take selfies I try to portray things that are apart of my life. Some of my selfies won't make seem to some people because they don't understand what's going on in my mind. I have a weird and imaginative mind. I know that they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, so sometimes I try to make my eyes the main attraction of the photo. People have many perceptions of me, some are true and some aren’t true. I try to get people to understand that I’m just different and I do different things. That’s all.

Sometimes I don’t mean anything when I take selfies. I just take them just to take them because I’m bored. Sometimes I don’t really care about what other people think and I want people to know that, which is why my face is always stern when I’m around certain people. However, when I’m with my friends outside of school, there’s another side of me, that people in this school would never see.
