
The artform I used to make my picture is called relief printmaking. This type of art uses positive and negative space to create a compelling image. Positive and negative space is also a method in art. Positive space refers to the main focus of the picture while negative space refers to the background of the picture. My image is made from colored paper to make the negative and positive space pop. The image I created relates to me which is a shield. I chose to make a shield as a rubber stamp because I'm protective of my friends and family. The shield represents defense and protection, which is fitting for my protective habits. Before I decided to cut out a shield, I made multiple sketches beforehand. This was done to create a clear image. Making a rubber stamp can be difficult at times.  I would get stuck trying to cut a difficult shape with a knife. To get past this problem I cut a bigger shape to make things easier. I ultimately learned that the use of negative and positive space can make complex images using just space.
