Short Reflection on the year

What do you feel your portfolio says about you as a 9th grade English student? What are we as viewers supposed to "get"/understand about you when we see your work?


It was a great year working with Mrs. Dunn, she taught me very well. I feel as the year progressed I have become a stronger writer in the way that I can now write longer passages without complaining or telling myself I can’t do this. In my writing I think you will find my views on certain things and also my writing shows I’m not just your average 9th grade student I’m something more  

What do you consider to be your strengths in English? What are your weaknesses? What would you still want to work on?


My strengths I would say that I have many stories and ideas prepared before I write which I think help me go along as I write

What is the piece you are most proud of, and why?


My quarter 3 benchmark, because It shows the writer that I’ve become throughout the year.
