Sierra Dinvil Marking Period 1
For this quarter we focused on making art out of recycled material. I particularly liked this unit because the fact that were using things that could potentially harm the earth. I feel like its good way to get people to start recycling by doing more then just tossing the recycled materials into the recycling bin.
For my project I wanted to make an entire picture out of using only recycled materials. I feel like that is the most effective way to show other options of saving our environment. I used materials such as newspaper, plastic bags, bottle caps, and pipe cleaners. At first I wanted to make an entire scene out of the recycled materials but I then decided that it would be better If I made a single object that represented the environment completely out recycled materials.

This is my first draft. I wanted to make a scene out of cotton balls, newspapers, and bottle caps. After a while I decided that this wasn't going to work because the outcome wouldn't look like it took me all marking period to do. I then moved on to my next idea.

My next idea was to make a cardboard recycling bin with the recycle logo on it. While doing this project however I experienced several problems. After I finished cutting out the pieces that were supposed to be glued onto the boxes, I couldn't a good enough box. I then decided that this project was no longer any good and once again moved on to my next idea.

My final idea was making a flower out of recycled material. I particularly liked this one because it represents a small piece of the environment. I chose to make the leaves out of newspaper and plastic. And to make the middle of the flower by using a bottle cap. The stem potentially would be made out of green pipe cleaners. This project fits for because its made completely out of recycled materials. Also because I like to cut and paste which is how most of this project is done. I painted over the plastic to give the petals some color and then glued plastic bag over it to be able to see that this project is actually recycled.


For my project I wanted to make an entire picture out of using only recycled materials. I feel like that is the most effective way to show other options of saving our environment. I used materials such as newspaper, plastic bags, bottle caps, and pipe cleaners. At first I wanted to make an entire scene out of the recycled materials but I then decided that it would be better If I made a single object that represented the environment completely out recycled materials.
This is my first draft. I wanted to make a scene out of cotton balls, newspapers, and bottle caps. After a while I decided that this wasn't going to work because the outcome wouldn't look like it took me all marking period to do. I then moved on to my next idea.
My next idea was to make a cardboard recycling bin with the recycle logo on it. While doing this project however I experienced several problems. After I finished cutting out the pieces that were supposed to be glued onto the boxes, I couldn't a good enough box. I then decided that this project was no longer any good and once again moved on to my next idea.
My final idea was making a flower out of recycled material. I particularly liked this one because it represents a small piece of the environment. I chose to make the leaves out of newspaper and plastic. And to make the middle of the flower by using a bottle cap. The stem potentially would be made out of green pipe cleaners. This project fits for because its made completely out of recycled materials. Also because I like to cut and paste which is how most of this project is done. I painted over the plastic to give the petals some color and then glued plastic bag over it to be able to see that this project is actually recycled.
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