Smoking kills- Sharron Norton 2fer#7

Sharron Norton

English 3


23 April 2018

Smoking Kills

Smoking pollutes the air, litters our streets, water, and results in accidental ingestion by small animals and children. Cooperation is needed in order to lessen this impact, and restore the planet to health. The production of cigarettes should decrease by 90% so that with time, the harmful habit could disappear. A significant decrease in the production of tobacco products will lead to the minimization of demand on it as the price will get higher, the supply will decrease and people will not be able to buy it.

Generally, the public is well aware that second-hand smoke is very dangerous. According to the CDC, second-hand smoke contains carcinogens, toxic metals and poisonous gases. While these substances have negative effects on human health, they also affect our environment as well. Second-hand smoke goes into our atmosphere and messes up the world’s air quality. There has  also been reports that a gathering of experiments indicates that levels of respirable suspended particulates (RSPs) decreased by up to 96% in public spaces that banned smoking. This improvement in air quality is not only for the sake of health, but as well as the organisms of the environment. Smoking pollutes the air, but the damage to the environment does not stop there. Thrown away cigarette butts customarily are left in public streets. Cigarettes are the most common  item that contribute to litter. Now, the main problem revolving around the disposal of cigarette butts are the cases when they are accidental eaten by children and animals. Studies have Shown that household pets or other small animals that make the mistake of ingesting cigarette litter may suffer tremors, vomiting, respiratory failure and even death. Just one cigarette butt is dangerous, and a whole cigarette may be lethal if ingested. Although others may not immediately recognize it, cigarettes are toxic waste and need to be disposed of properly.

Cigarette is the deadliest object in the history of human production. Cigarettes kill about 6 million people every year. Tobacco causes human deaths, more than by all deaths from HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, and motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined. Smokers die 14 years earlier than nonsmokers. Tobacco smoking is a leading cause of human cancer and deaths which are higher in developing countries than in developed countries. About 70% of tobacco-related deaths will occur in developing countries. Another factor that tags  along with something is Lung cancer which is an aggressive disease. The lungs are the most important organs that help us breathe and give oxygen to all the cells in the body. These organs are affect both directly and indirectly by cigarette smoking. One in 10 moderate smokers and one in 5 heavy smokers (15 cigarettes per day) will die of lung cancer. About 85% of smokers with lung cancer die within 5.5 years. Many types of cancers including pancreatic cancer and colon cancer, bladder and kidney cancer are caused due to tobacco smoking. Tobacco smoking is also associated with cancer of the oral cavity (including lip and tongue) in both men and women. If government were to restrict the intake people had with tobacco/ cigarettes, then the percentage of deaths and effects of cancer would definitely decrease as well.

Furthermore,  The use of tobacco products is one of the main causes of preventable and premature death and disease the world over. It does not just affect the smokers themselves but the innocent lives of their neighbors and Earth itself. If people in higher places were able to put a stop to production and its passing to people in the country, then there would be a big change. Change in global warming, as well as the welfare of people in this planet. People would be more safe.


“Should Smoking Be Banned?” Vaping Daily,

Begh, Rachna, et al. BMC Medicine, BioMed Central, 2015,
