Social Decline////(Vincent Cammisa)
As a human millenial in the 21st century, an object that we all use in our everyday lives are phones, computers, tablets, and so on. With these items in our lives, we are all bound to use the one thing that people in America have. Social media is a base where people online can communicate with friends, share posts. These things can influence people in various ways, but the most noticeable in every situation is the negative effects. In the year 2015 there was a census taken,and a little more than 75% of households had either a laptop, desktop, or handheld device. This just shows how much technology is taking over our lives, and like I’ve said before, with technology, comes social media. With knowing what social media can do, I though of an overall goal, for me to be able to present enough information that it will stick to your mind.
Being involved, I never thought it was a problem. Time passes and, I started to notice how it affects our lives and how we are constantly connected. “By 2020, there will be over 5 billion internet users, with over half of them accessing the internet over handheld tablet devices and 80 billion connected devices worldwide." . I think this subject is definitely important. Our world turning into a place where all we rely on is the technology we own.
One thing that I have found with the research is 2 effects social media and technology has on the world that we can improve or fix. The first one being sleep more specifically the the loss sleep and the second one being depression, all due to the use of social media. Depression is very real and, especially with social media, there are so many ways to get access to things that will trigger depression. “A similar study conducted in 2016 involving 1,700 people found a threefold risk of depression and anxiety among people who used the most social media platforms.” This just gives you a brief overlook. Instead of sleeping, many people are up on their phones.
this is a picture that gives you an idea of what I am talking about
( may not be factual.)
Specifically teens since we grew up more with social media we have experienced the most negative effects of them all. I can vouch and say that my social skills have taken a lot longer to develop. I took some time to get comfortable with my friends, elders, and mostly girls, yes girls.” Today’s youth miss out on critical social skills development when they spend the majority of their free time connected to and interacting through a screen.”. This shows how having social media can hurt our social skills.
This gives us a look on percentages of how kids/teens lack social skills.(link can not be achieved)
Writing this has really shown me what I have to watch out for in the future while participating in social media and really looking out for those whose social media has brought negative circumstances upon themselves. We all can have social media and we all can enjoy it but we all have to look out for the negative effects it may have on us.
(an-o-tay-t-ed) (bib-leo-o-a-gruhhhh-feeeee
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