Social Media's Impact on Sexually Based Cybercrimes

Amjed Washaha Mrs. Giknis English 1 5/20/2021 Social Media Impact On Sexually Based Cybercrimes In my last two posts, I covered social media’s negligence towards sexually based crimes. These crimes were anything from the distribution and sale of child pornography and the posting of unsolicited nudes from all genders and ages. We also provide photo evidence of online criminals interacting and advertising their illicit goods. We discuss statistics such as “child pornography of images had increased 1500% since 1988! Also, there was a 375% increase in the amount of child pornography websites between February of 2001 and July 2001. You can find the previous post here. The #megalink problem isn’t a secret nor is it located in a dark and inconspicuous alley somewhere on the internet. No, it’s right out there in the open for the world to see sometimes even appearing on the front page of Twitter. Twitter users are now trying to combat #megalinks by flooding the hashtag with photos and tweets unrelated to #megalink’s content. Many YouTubers are on our side as well. For example Youtuber “SomeOrdinaryGamers” made a 9 minute video explaining the situation. Feedback suggests that the video was rather successful gaining 968,421 views and 44,000 likes as of publication.
The attempts made by Twitter users against #megalinks are an easy and effective way anyone can help. It keeps the innocent distracted but may one day also move the #megalink community to other platforms. I also think the attempts made by Twitter users are quite humorous. You can often find memes and jokes when investigating. Here we see a user flooding the #megalink thread with something a little more friendly. Link from the Legend of Zelda series. Source: Twitter

YouTubers the likes of SomeOrdinaryGamers may also bring a lot of press to the situation. I mean 968,000 people is a lot of people, if they all shared the video once we could have millions of people that didn’t know about these disgusting acts of sexual assault, harassmet, grooming, etc… Sadly all these attempts aren’t nearly enough to put even a dent in the plans of the #megalink criminals. My agent of change mission was to stop this problem before it even happens. In my research, I’ve concluded that most of these criminals have suffered early childhood trauma or mental health trauma such as depression, anxiety, loneliness, etc… My idea is to implement a Peer Mediation program in SLA that will help students combat issues such as trauma or mental health issues. In order to make this happen, I’ll need the support of fellow SLA staff and students. I will assign trustable and reliable students hand picked by fellow advisors and staff. From there we plan on creating a safe environment for students to openly converse and socialize with fellow students. If this program goes as planned, students should leave the program knowing that they have added at least one more person to their lives that will always be there for them. I’ve worked as a mediator of other programs in the past and they went well in most cases. Getting in touch with the school counselor Ms.Siswick was rather easy and she was very cooperative and seemed genuinely interested in improving the wellbeing of SLA students and our community and for that, I am greatly appreciative. I have yet been able to complete my goals as of yet and the preparation and implementation of this program will begin in the 2021-2022 school year. I do believe that I have a solid plan and I can’t wait to put it into action. I really enjoyed this project even though I haven’t fully completed it as of yet. It pushed me hard and made me come to a realization of how bad the world can be sometimes. I learned a lot, statistics for these acts really shocked me. The number of child porngraphy can compare with the amount of legal porn out there which is absolutely disgusting and is a realization that I am constantly reminded of. I definitely could have made this program happen within this year but with the barriers, online schooling has imposed I didn’t feel comfortable having students talk about what could be serious problems over a screen, the fear of recorded conversations was a huge concern for me. For you, the people help us by contacting Twitter advertisers which you’ll find on the next page, and continue to flood #megalinks with appropriate content. Thank you to all of those trying to make a difference!

Twitter support→ List of top 5 investors and emails: .The Vanguard Group, Inc. (Email): .Morgan Stanley. (Email): .BlackRock Fund Advisors Inc. (Email): .SSgA Funds Management, Inc. (Email): .ClearBridge Investments LLC. (Email):

Here we see a user flooding the #megalink thread with something a little more friendly. Link from the Legend of Zelda series. Source: Twitter
Here we see a user flooding the #megalink thread with something a little more friendly. Link from the Legend of Zelda series. Source: Twitter
