Social Networking: Positive or Negative #2

Here is my first blog post where you can learn more about social networking.​

Since my first blog post, I have become much more aware of the effects of social networking. The main thing that I noticed, which I found rather amusing, is the use of social networking from my peers to promote their own “You and the World” projects. This is one of the pros that I talked about in my first blog post: spreading the word about something that you are doing. I saw about 10 of my peers post on facebook or twitter about their projects, asking people to fill out surveys and things like that. From using social networking, they are even further promoting my reasoning for the use of social networking. For example, my friend Julian made this picture his cover photo on Facebook, and from there he was able to get people interested in this topic:
For this project, I made a survey on Google docs to find out more about the use of social networking. To get people to fill out my survey, I posted it on my facebook page, twitter account, and tumblr blog. I also had a teacher of mine post it on his facebook to attempt to get more people to fill it out. As a result, 110 people have already filled it out because I spread the word about it through social networking. (By the way, results from the survey will be posted about next week.)

            While I was trying to promote my survey, I was also doing more research into the world of social networking and found that many businesses use social networking as a way to raise support, awareness and money. According to a reporter Debbie Miller, when marketers were asked if social networking was important to their business, 62% of them said, “strongly agree” and 28% “agree”. In addition, she made a chart about the pros of social networking in business:

A huge question that I’m still wondering about is how distracted people get from social networking sites. I just posted that question on my facebook, tumblr, and twitter so gather responses, so I will have those responses by next week as well!

Here is my bibliography again!

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