Spanish Blog
For my blog post, I talked to Estafan, he’s a fluent spanish speaking freshman, we talked a lot about what each of us enjoyed and what we did over the weekends. The conversation started off a little rocky, It was some what awkward because I didn’t really know how to start the conversation or to really say anything that interesting. Once we got started things went much smoother though. I was a little self-conscious when we were talking because I realized how well he could speak spanish and that I wasn’t even close to being as good as him. He kind of chuckled when I’d say something wrong but he would correct me and tell me what I said wrong, and how to say it right. We had a few things in common, we both enjoy frisbee, and we both love sports. We talked a little about soccer since I didn’t really know a lot about soccer he informed me. The conversation wasn’t for that long but overall it went pretty well.
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