Spanish I: The days of Lunes through Domingo! By Mingxue zheng and Lala Doumbia

Days of the Week

We all know the English way of saying what day is today in Pre-School. So, learning the days of the week in Spanish will make your days in foreign countries rock! It is important to learn the days of the week and as well as the dates because of the busy society we experience, we really need to get our selves organized  and schedule an appointment or a interview also needs these basic concepts.

So lets get started!

To ask what day is today in Spanish.

It look like this:

¿Qué día hace hoy?

(ke) (de-yah) (ar-say) (holl)

Reply: Hoy es (the day today).
¿Qué día ayer fue? meaning: What is yesterday's day?
(ka)   (de-ya)  (f-wav)
¿Qué día mañana sera? What is tomorrow's day?
 (ke) (de-yah) (man-ya-la) (sera)

Lunes (loon-this)

Martes (Mar-this)

Miércoles (me-at-go-les)

Jueves (clay-ves)

Viernes (ve-and-ne-mas)

Sábado (sa-ba-doe)

Domingo (doe-min-go)

Okay! with the information you have now you will be go to go and move on to a new level in Spanish! Isn’t that exciting!

Comments (5)

Liza Cohen (Student 2015)
Liza Cohen

i like all the colors! good days of the week poster :D great simple reference! positive language in the opening paragraph :) good pronounciation in the parathesis