Super Crazy Love

Super Crazy Love
Taming of the Shrew
In the movie, Superbad, we follow high school students, Evan and Seth, while they do their absolute best to win over the girls they are interested in, Becca and Jules. While this movie is not an exact replication of the play, Taming of the Shrew, it shares some very distinct similarities. They both use comedy to make a mock out of love. Although, there very certain features in both the film and the play that help someone understand Love in a different way. Love is very complex and different, most people feel it in different forms. However, it makes most people relentless to share it with someone.
Evan and Seth were at lunch talking about Jule’s party and how they need to get the alcohol for the party. Seth mentions how he is doing this so he can get with Jules at the party. Seth comes right out and says that he will do anything and everything just to get with Jules which in some ways is love. He wants to get close to her by any means necessary. In Taming of the Shrew, Lucientio tried to get close to Bianca by posing as her teacher. He did go farther than he had to in order to win her heart, but he it was never shown that he would have done anything to win her over. While Seth clearly made a choice to do anything it takes to win her over. Later in the movie, he was taken to another party. He decided to steal the alcohol in the basement. In order to do that he had to drain the smaller bottles into two larger bleach containers. This was an extremely bold move to win over Jules. Bleach is a highly dangerous chemical and if consumed can kill someone. However, Seth made that choice, and carried those bottles throughout the rest of the movie until he got them to Jule’s house. Both Lucentio and Seth are willing to push the boundaries in order to achieve their goal in regards to love.
Although Seth relates to Lucentio, he also shares some similarities with Petruchio. The quote below is a sample of something Petruchio said.
“Petruchio:... I will not sleep, Hortensio, till I see her" (Act 1, Sc. 2, line 106)
In this quote, Petruchio is speaking to Hortensio about Katherine. Everyone is making a big fuss over how beautiful Bianca is, but no one is paying any attention to Katherine. Hortensio tells Petruchio that she was not a good woman to be with, and Petruchio should pursue someone else. Despite what Hortensio said, Petruchio wasn’t going to listen to him. This was an interaction between Petruchio and Hortensio related back to the dynamic of Seth and Evan when it came to women, Jules to be specific. Seth wanted to be with Jules and would constantly talk about it, but Evan wanted Seth to give it up. Evan doubted Seth when it came to Jules. It may not be the exact same, but Evan compared a lot to Hortensio in these moments. Evan didn’t want Seth to have to deal with one of the most popular girls in school rejecting him. Hortensio didn’t want Petruchio to rationally marry a woman that he might not be happy with. They were both looking out for their friend. Seth and Hortensio both were acting extreme rash in throughout the book and the movie. They were doing dumb and crazy things just to achieve their ultimate goal. Getting the girl. Can that be love? Doing rash things just to be with some girl that they barely know. Petruchio has never even met Katherine at this point, and Hortensio is also warning him about her. One might think he would step down after hearing she is bad news, but he does it anyway. He does it because he is in love. Maybe not in love with Katherine, but in love with the thought of Katherine. The thought of sharing his life with someone that isn’t like everyone else. He loves the idea. So, he convinces himself that he loves her throughout the book.
Throughout the play and the movie, there is a constant theme of love, but specifically that it makes people do and think crazy things. This is expressed through many different characters. Lucentio goes to extreme lengths just to meet Bianca. Seth breaks the law just to impress a girl that barely notices him. Lastly, Petruchio convinces himself to love someone who is different from most women just so he can feel a connection. The movie and play both accurately represent love in some of it’s craziest forms.
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