Taahir Henry 1st marking period.

I found it interesting that we needed to use recycled materials for our first quarter project.  It is unlike anything I have ever been assigned, in art class or otherwise. I like the idea of doing something different for art, but trying to stick to recycled materials made things a little more difficult for me. At first I wasn't sure what I was going to do but I realized that I had a huge pile of bottles that was just growing day in and day out, and I decided then that I wanted to do something involving recycling plastic bottles.

First I decided to build a small scale raft with several bottles, some tape, card board, a plastic bag, and some pencils. This idea didn't translate very well when I tried to bring it into physical form. In the process of building the raft I realized what I wanted to do, and it didn't involve boats of any form. I decided to make a small comic strip showing the steps that some recycled materialS go through before they are redistributed. I used bits of plastic bottles and a few caps to cover the pictures somewhat. I usually stick to drawing or sculptures. I don't feel very confident when painting, so I chose to stick with something that I felt more comfortable with. 
