Tails, Monkeys have them why don't humans?
Well there is a simple answer to this question, but my fellow classmate David Buckholtz said it best, "Evolution. Duhh!" Monkeys and humans go hand and hand. At least it does to Darwin and the people who agree with his theory. But if they are so closely related where is the tail??? Monkeys throughout history have always had a tail. It has become very handy to survive in their environment. And come on, who wouldn't want a tail?

(This picture was provided by University of Maryland)
So, this brings up the question why do humans or homosapeins not have a tail? Was it the work of the dreaded evolution? Or was it another source. I was given a very good clue about the answer to this question from a good source. "Well it's not like humans never had tails didn't they have umbilical cords?" said Mr. Best, one of the many science teachers at Science Leadership Academy.

(This picture was provided by google images, if you can not see the picture, just click on the link please and thank you.)
(This picture was provided by Simians to Sapeins to Sidhas)
So, after concluding information a new question came to mind did man evolve from monkeys or apes? Obviously from looking at this diagram man evolved from an ape. Apes never had tails. So, it would make since neither would man. So, the question has been answered. But on the positive we have learned much about umbilical cords. So, in theory man and ape have had tails. But some may say it was just an umbilical cord.
(This picture was provided by University of Maryland)
So, this brings up the question why do humans or homosapeins not have a tail? Was it the work of the dreaded evolution? Or was it another source. I was given a very good clue about the answer to this question from a good source. "Well it's not like humans never had tails didn't they have umbilical cords?" said Mr. Best, one of the many science teachers at Science Leadership Academy.
The umbilical is a vital part of human life. It has three very distinct functions. According to ehow,"The umbilical cord has three functions for the developing fetus: it supplies oxygen, it delivers nutrients, and it helps to withdraw blood rich in carbon dioxide and depleted in nutrients." The nutrients come from the mother. So, once the umbilical cord fall off where do the nutrients come from???
(This picture was provided by google images, if you can not see the picture, just click on the link please and thank you.)
Well the everybody needs a certain nutrients to grow, so many people get them from outside sources such as McDonald's or even from a neighborhood drug store. But is this a good enough reason for us not to have tails? So, since monkeys can't go to Mcdonalds they need their tails. But wait a monekys' tail does not work in the same action as an umbilical. So the question still hangs. If monkeys get a tail, why do humans not?
So, after concluding information a new question came to mind did man evolve from monkeys or apes? Obviously from looking at this diagram man evolved from an ape. Apes never had tails. So, it would make since neither would man. So, the question has been answered. But on the positive we have learned much about umbilical cords. So, in theory man and ape have had tails. But some may say it was just an umbilical cord.
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