Tech Movie- A Digital Nation

Over the past fews weeks, our Tech Class has been watching a very informative documentary, "A Digital Nation."

The aim of this show was to inform its viewers of the dangers and wonders of our present internet world. As we watched this video, I'd have to say that the most memorable thing I saw was the personal real-life accounts of instances where the internet had some part in a problem of one's life as a problem, solution, or both. In my opinion, it is important to watch shows such as these because they enable their viewers a chance to become more familiar with a concept in our modern world that affects our lives daily.

To keep my future family safe online, I will make sure that they are also aware of the dangers and perks of the internet- as well as what to do in any problematic situation involving our online world. I think that it is important to talk with my family about such matters because it helps both them and myself to become better aware of the consequences and rewards of the internet together. We can watch out for each other. To parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online, I would advice that you first become familiar with this information, then speak to your children about it. The most important thing is to TAKE ACTION against online threats to your children. Don't just sit by in ignorance. 

I would hope that they take my advice. 
Stay Safe Online
Stay Safe Online
