Teen Motivation

Annotation 1: Lehmann, Christopher, Mr. "Teen Motivation." Personal interview. 13 Feb. 2013.
Mr. Lehmann truly gave me insight on this issue. He’s worked with students for years and has a general idea on what motivates teens not only because he was once a teen but because he speaks with kids on a day to day basis.

Annotation 2: Curwin, Richard L. N.p.: n.p., n.d. ASCD. ASCD, 2010. Web. 19 Feb. 2013.
This article doesn’t only focus on teen motivation but a diverse variety on why teens are the way they are. It gives a lot of options as to what is the cause and what the effect will be. It shows what can be done to help motivate teens and also gives a deep definition of what motivation is.

Annotation 3: Russ, Valerie. "Group Tackles Dropout Crisis." Philly.com. N.p., 18 Feb. 2011. Web. 19 Feb. 2013.

This article doesn't talk about motivation directly but instead talks about why teens drop out. It talks about how most teens aren't determined with the work or have personal problems which make them unmotivated.

Annotation 4:
Duviver, Christine. "Positive Psychology News Daily » How to See More Motivated Teens." Positive Psychology News Daily. N/a, 9 Apr. 2009. Web. 20 Feb. 2013.
This article focuses on not only why teens aren't motivated in schoolwork but more so in daily activities that interest them. They dont care so much for schoolwork but more of a talent that they may have.

Annotation 5: Bushweller, Kevin. "Motivation Matters." Education Week -. N/a, 09 Apr. 2007. Web. 20 Feb. 2013.
This isn't as factual as my previous annotations but I believe this survey is very important due to the opinions in the comments. It shows a general understanding as to why teens aren't motivated.
