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My memoir is about how life as the oldest isn't all glitter and rainbows and how my Liberian culture weaved its way into it. From Trevor Noah's memoir I connected to the fact that he grew up in a world full of women. His mom was his main woman figure in his life and his number one fan. I also grew up in a household filled with women and also have been influenced by them to take on responsibilities of being the older sister. Trevor explores his sense of identity through his vignette by connecting to people through language or race backgrounds. According to page 43, ¨That, and so many other smaller incidents in my life, made me realize that language, even more than color, defines who you are to people¨ He would use different languages from different cultures to connect to other people and the more people he met the more he got closer to finding his identity. Trevors writing style has impacted me because it inspired me to add some funny or sarcastic sentences in my memoir. For example I added some figurative language to give the memoir more character. Storytelling techniques I have implied into this memoir is adding a story into the beginning so the reader could try to put themselves in my shoes. Not everybody is the oldest child or has the same culture as me so I can't expect them to automatically understand what I'm talking about. I explained my culture by giving examples and some things people who followed the culture (for example my grandma) would say to me for me to enhance the culture also. My vignette addresses one of the essential questions ¨How do various cultures influence our identities?¨ because I showed how the Liberian culture has affected me being the older sibling and gave me a path of shaping who I want to be and how I want to be seen.
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