The Gay Gene?

  • Science:

  • Science has been able to find some genetic differences between gay men and straight men.While their is not an exact "gay gene" that dominates ones disposition. However some of the differences that have been found include physical differences and sizes, 9 small genetic regions were found to have differences within the bloodstream and gay men share some similarities in a part of the X chromosome- Xq28.

However these are not definite ways to tell if someone is gay or not. Many factors from environment and family can all have ways of effecting whether someone is gay or not. Also sexuality is a fairly fluid thing, so its very difficult, if impossible to have an exact determination what makes someone gay or not. 

  • Society

There's a large societal misconception as to whether being gay is a choice or not, and the science shows that it clearly isn't. It is a genetic fact that we are born like this. However we want to be careful with this science with so many homophobic regions and households in the world we kinda don't want to have a single way to single out gay people, that could lead to some disastrous societal consequences.

  • Self
As a gay man, I have sometimes been asked if its a choice or not, and I always knew it wasn't but was curious to the scientific reasons for it.  I was pleased to see some of the science for it, I hope that scientists proceed with caution while pursuing this further so that the future can remain safe for myself and people like me.
