The Law of Fear

Laws and rules are made for various reasons, Laws are created because of fear. Things like murder, grand theft auto, rape, among other acts that are illegal; because people fear these things will happen to them. If there aren’t any rules people will be reduced to savagery due to the fact they can do anything they desire. However, the rules of society were not set in stone before our day, they were made to accommodate to us and avoid kaios. People need a leader to make decisions and laws put in place but, sometimes, these laws help and sometimes they hurt. Although laws are put in place to conform, configure and, protect; they may not always be for the best. Laws are put in place to protect society because of a common fear, in place making people feel safe and shielded while it may conform them.

In the midst of a very intense moment of William Golding's ‘Lord of The Flies’, Piggy who is often overlooked when it comes to leadership shines when he says, “You go howling and a pack of kids!..How do you expect to get rescued if you don’t put first things first, and act proper?” (45). Piggy created a rule for everyone, making the Group of Castle rock then realise that continuing to executing things before it is planed or explained isn’t going to help them succeed at being rescued. After Piggy tells the boys to get their acts together, the other boy’s get hit with the reality that they may never be rescued.  The way they are acting will ruin another chance of being saved, after the hunters were more concerned about killing a pig than signaling a way out. Piggy made a rule to conform the childish ways, of the Castle Rock Clan, so instead of running because they are scared of something, they figure out what it is. This way, they properly can plan for things, so the laws make them feel safe from what they are scared of; And while they feel safe and protected, it is being used to confirm or change  their way of thinking. Piggy’s dominance stroked the boys with an odd being, instilling fear because he knew the fear of not never being rescued would be a lot for a simple-minded-child to digest, in turn he hopes that they will be motivated to follow the rule biased on the fear of being on Castle Rock forever.

When leaders are at a hult they instill fear into their people so they can conform them into wanting to fight for the cause; Seeing the ‘leader’ as a protector of the big bad events that may or may not happen.  Donald expresses how he want’s to be civil but is threatened, and talks about people turning illegal immigrants would help, "We want to be very fair but too many bad things are happening...People that are looking to destroy our country must be reported and turned in by the good people who love our country and want America to be great again." Trump helps his case by saying since he is fair, along with his nation, no actions have been taken;  However, he instills the fear that if you don’t turn a illegal immigrant in, you don’t want to ‘make America great again’ and that you aren’t a good citizen but a bad one. So in turn the citizens are scared that if they don’t turn people in they will be considered a ‘bad’ person.

At times the lack of rules results in savagery. If no rules are set in place anyone, can do anything. Jack says that he agrees with Ralph in that the boys on the island must "have rules and obey them [because] after all [they are] not savages," (Golding, 42). This conveys the thin line between civil living and compete savagery. Society need a leader to make decisions and laws put in place but sometimes they help and sometimes they hurt; Sometimes rulers have trouble of realizing what is wrong or not because ultimately law does not equal what's right. The law’s that the boys made were to be followed because they feared that they’d devolve to savagery with out the rules. In both instances they are afraid if nothing is done, other things will result in catastrophe.

Some leaders make rules, and get them approved by exciting a inner subconscious fear that we don’t know we have. People think to themselves because of my mindset ‘I am not racist or afraid,’ but some part of their subconscious will keep those stereotypes packed in the back of their minds. CNN has a campaign press release stating, "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on". Trump wants to create airline laws to ban Muslims but this was a idea for a law that was created by fear and helps keep safe in his mind and others it is the easy solution, however leaders can't ban people because of their religion which causes conflict. An subconscious fear that muslims are terrorist biased on the muslims of isis.  Some people spin something everyone know’s into a torturous threat.  Like how Donald continuously adds lighter fluid to the flame; According to  The Slate blog, Donald talks about illegal mexicans and how “They’re taking our jobs. They’re taking our manufacturing jobs. They’re taking our money. They’re killing us.” Telling people that mexican immigrants our killing us by killing and economy that already is dead. Ensuring no matter what he has instilled fear in the people, to give reason to his new law proposal. If the fear is there, there will be a push on the law and people will follow. If the law is allowed the Citizen’s will be safe.

Although Donald, Piggy, Jack and Ralph are all different people, they are all leaders in their own right. Leaders are the people we trust to make sure what we need is accommodated to. We lean on leaders to make us feel safe and protected. Like, the rules Donald is proposing, the ones made in lord of the flies were created as an accommodation by a leader to protect themselves and society of a common fear. Just as how in Lord of The Flies Piggy installed the fear that, that they might never get saved, Donald instilled the fear in americans that mexicans will steal their jobs and muslims will make you unsafe. In both instances, they used similar methods to receive the reaction they wanted. Donald want’s the people on board with making a law for blocking mexican/american border and to ban muslims and Piggy wanted to make a rule the kids to act more civil, Although in both situations they tried to instill fear into the society they were speaking to, in some instances, people conformed and some revolted. Jack and the hunters continue to be childish, while ralph tries to make more rules; people support Donald Trump and his ideas/rules while others result. Piggy, Ralph, Jack and Donald alike want to make sure that no matter how they people something to fear or if the fear is pre-existing, they will create laws to benefit themselves and/or society. Laws are created to cater to fear, to accommodate to it by making something illegal, or setting a rule making people feel protected by the word’s their leader declares, no matter how it may change their way of thinking.

Works Cited

Golding, William. Lord of the Flies.New York: Perigee, 2006.

Daniel Politi. Donald Trump in Phoenix: Mexicans are “Taking our Jobs” and “Killing Us”. New York/ Washington, D.C.:Slate, 2015.

Jeremy Dimond. Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S. : Washington: CNN, 2015
