This I Believe: People over the age of 60 should NOT drive.!

I remember one summer afternoon when i was nine years old. I was outside playing football with the rest of the boys on the block, and a few of my cousins.We were playing football in the big alley across the street from my house. When i was in elementary school i got out of school at 2:00 so i was out of school before a lot of older kids. So we were playing football for a little while. Then before we knew it, it was 3:15 and we saw the kids from turner high-school walking over the bridge. My grandma was across the street watching us, but when she noticed that the turner students were coming over the bridge she told us to come back across the street to my porch. She knew that they were typically delinquents, and probably wanted to start trouble. So we all decided to race across the street. We said " Ready, Set, GO.! Then we all took off and then out off nowhere a car came flying around the corner. All we heard was skuuuuuurt BOOM.! Everyone around me realized that i was hit. It took me awhile, but i managed to open my eyes, while i was crying and noticed that there was blood everywhere. The ambulance eventually came and so did the cops. I left with the ambulance, and the man got multiple tickets. The main one was driving with an expired license. The reason he hit me was, because he claimed he didn't see me running across the street. I strongly believe that once you turn 60 you should never control a motored vehicle again in your life. By the way the man was 62. I think that old people senses and motor skills are significantly worst than average age people, and it should be illegal to drive once you turn 60. Most older people have to wear glasses and or hearing aids, take medication, and don't pay attention to well.Now he has no license, so he should not be driving. 
