Tragic Events From a Browser
For my thesis, the deaths of tragic happenings from a browser makes us feel closer because it feels like we are actually there witnessing the tragic happenings with our eyes. For my essay I am going to talk about how Tragic events that happen that are in your browser will make you feel closer to that tragic crisis. Now there still tragic things happening around the world to this, but I am going to talk about certain tragic events that have happened. In the article Ghost in the Machines, it points out how we feel closer to the That have died that are our browser. In Ghost in the Machines, by Jenna Wortham notes the significance of the mass shootings: “The mass shootings in Paris and San Bernardino felt, somehow, closer to our lives because they played out on our screens and in our browsers.” The reason I chose this quote is because it shows that even though we were not there, but since we see it from a browser it makes us feel bad for those people who were in that tragic happening.
The world going on the internet shows that we do not ignore the tragic things that happened in the past and even the present. From Ghost in the Machines by Jenna Wortham notes the significance of us not ignoring the people who died: We have seen how people used social media to ensure that Americans did not ignore the deaths of people like Freddie Gray, Walter Scott and Sandra Bland, amplifying them into a rallying cry for justice. The reason I chose this quote is because it shows that people that we do not know, but they still have an impact in our lives somehow.
Everytime we go on to our browser, there are new tragic deaths being posted on the internet and we pray that it is not one of our friends or family members were in that tragic event. Here is a quote that supports this statement: With the exception of our friends and closest kin, we typically encounter news of deaths through social media. It shows that there are new tragic events happening every single day and we hope that it is not the people we love that are in that tragic event.
Tragic events can show us that what we watch can affect you as a person. What this means is that what we watch can have affect your life in a small way or in a drastic way for some people. For some they wouldn’t even care about what happened to people in that tragedy. It could have been your friends or even one of your family members, but some people do care because they feel bad for the people who were in that tragedy. What I am saying is that the tragedies that we see on our very own browser can affect one way or another.
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