Tree of Life. Yadi Angeles
In my Art class, I had a project that had to do with recycling. We had to use things that either were recyclables or weren't depending on what we wanted and make something out of them. I personally am a big fan of art, and I enjoy to do it because I feel it brings out my most creative side.
A lot of my themes are people. My best things to draw are girls. Since my theme is so common, I decided to try something new and make something more nature-like.
What I decided to do was a tree made out of tree materials. As I got into it, I started to realize all of the components that a tree goes through to become the piece of computer paper on my desk, or the cardboard box at my door. So I began to think that if I was going to make a tree, I might as well express what a lot of trees are going through when a human (i.e me) is involved. I made my lean, and made an axe to "cut" it down. So not only have I made a tree out of tree products, but I'm also trying to express the things that seem to be happening way too much to our nature.
My first attempt at a tree.
The axe I had decided to make.
My final product.
As our first project in art class, we had to make posters to put around the school. Our goal was to get other students to save bottle caps and give them to us so that we can use them in our art. However, I can't post a picture of my poster because I can't find it anywhere in the school.
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