Trees: Lorax Style

For my project I worked with the building owners of Science Leadership Academy to get permission to submit an application to the Philadelphia Department of Recreation to get trees planted on the 2100 block of Arch St. Before I appealed to the building owners I first took a tree tenders class from the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society to further my knowledge of trees and to provide more credibility for why I wanted these trees planted. After I met with the building manager and convinced him that what I was doing was something good and would not affect him negatively, the trees were planted and now are growing well. For the future I am working with other SLA seniors to incorporate tree caring into an ILP for next year. As of now the city it taking care of the trees but next year it is up to the owners. This process is one that I have really enjoyed and means a lot to me. I wanted to leave SLA a better and greener place and now I have fulfilled my goal!
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