U2 - Growing Up Online : Gregory Tasik
We watched Growing Up Online in class today.
This show was about how technology has affected our daily lives.
The most memorable thing about this show to me was the fact that a kid refused to read a full book and would rather read spark notes. I was speechless when I saw this because books are an amazing medium and should be appreciated more.
It is important to watch shows like these because they inform you about things you may have not heard before. Also, shows like these give you real life experiences which you can relate to.
I will keep my future family safe online by educating and informing my family on the dangers of the internet. Also, I may invest in a software (if there is any) that protects my computers and technology.
It is important to talk to my family about internet safety because they should know the positives and negatives of using technology. We use technology everyday and we must have some knowledge on its capabilities before using it.
To parents who don’t know how to keep their children safe online, I would advise them to watch shows like Digital Nation, Growing Up Online, and to find articles on Google. These documentaries are very informational and parents could learn a lot from them.
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