US#8 Reflection- Sharron Norton
- In class, we watched a video called Digital Nation. It was about the continuation of the virtual frontier. How it affects us and how we it becomes the center of our attention, and also the internet may help/hurt the world. The most memorable thing about this show was that the army recruits via gaming and when in the video when they showed all the things Movies such as this are documentaries which children our age don't watch because they pack information in like a balloon filling up with air. We should watch videos on this topic because it tells about everything we already know, but don't want to pay attention to. Videos like this help people see their reality and how it affects us and it should not. And for my future family, I think by putting rules in place will keep them safe, but also showing them how you trust them. To always tell them when they start to look at sites that might affect their health and wellness. I don't want to be like the parents who kept the computer in the kitchen, but I also don't want to be the parent who lets their child do whatever on the computer. I want to be the future who has a give and take relation when dealing with the internet. Such as: the parents of the girl who expressed herself through picture art. In order for her to trust them with what she was doing, they first had to understand. At first the parents didn't until the realized how the internet brought something out in their daughter, then they excepted.
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