Voting Interviews
Natalie Sanchez
Earth Stream
U.S. History
Interview with Anonymous at Amy 5:
Q- What motivated you to come and vote?
A- (mumble) well its to pick the correct candidate...the best candidate.
Q-Do you vote in every election?
A- Yes
Q-How do you find out about the candidates running in the presidential race? How do you get information on them and what they are planning on doing?
A- Uuuhh...
Q- Do you get it from TV, the internet, or paper...
A- I get it from the TV or from the paper.
Q-What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?
A-Every vote counts. If we get enough people thinking the same way, we will make a change.
Q- What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered.
A- The Obama Campaign ads.
Interview with Nilda Zabaleta:
Q- What motivates you to vote?
A- The fact that it is my right as a United States Citizen.
Q-Do you feel obligated to vote because of this?
A- No. No.
Q-Do you vote in every election?
A-Yes. I vote in every election. I never miss it.
Q-Where have you found out the most about the things that the candidates plan to do? Where do you find out about the candidates the most? TV, Internet, ads...
A- From the Television
Q-What was the most memorable campaign ad for you?
A- Obama's campaign was pretty memorable.
At Webster Elementary
At Amy 5

I went to Amy 5 with my friend Elona because we live pretty close to each other. We were a bit nervous at first, but once we entered the voting place, it all seemed to go a bit more smooth. I was able to notice a little bit of tension in the answers that the people gave us, so Elona and I both decided not to push too much for answers. When we arrived, we talked to poll workers. We weren't able to talk to voters because they weren't there yet. After Elona and I collected our answers and pictures, we headed towards our separate ways. When I arrived home, my mother told me that she was going to go vote. She invited me to go with her. I took this opportunity so I could see the difference in voting buildings (though Elona and I live near each other, we have different voting buildings.). Our voting building was Webster elementary school. There, I was able to see how voting is manipulated even at the voting polls. When we arrived, I was surprised to find that the democratic party supporters were at the gate with little to no ads and casual clothing, while the Republican party supporters were standing closer to the entrance with big flashy signs and more business like clothing. I wondered whom the voters were going to pay attention to more, the democrats who they talked to earlier, or the republicans with the big flashy signs in their hands near the entrance of the voting polls. This polling center was much more friendly and much more diverse. I noticed that there were many more people there then there was at Amy 5. There were many kids there as well. I also noticed that though the voting polls are supposed to be non-partison, people were very open about their opinion. This was not a problem because most people shared very similar opinions. All in all, this was a very interesting and fun experience for me. I think it definitely motivated me to vote in the future.
Earth Stream
U.S. History
Voting Day Interviews
Interview with Anonymous at Amy 5:
Q- What motivated you to come and vote?
A- (mumble) well its to pick the correct candidate...the best candidate.
Q-Do you vote in every election?
A- Yes
Q-How do you find out about the candidates running in the presidential race? How do you get information on them and what they are planning on doing?
A- Uuuhh...
Q- Do you get it from TV, the internet, or paper...
A- I get it from the TV or from the paper.
Q-What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?
A-Every vote counts. If we get enough people thinking the same way, we will make a change.
Q- What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered.
A- The Obama Campaign ads.
Interview with Nilda Zabaleta:
Q- What motivates you to vote?
A- The fact that it is my right as a United States Citizen.
Q-Do you feel obligated to vote because of this?
A- No. No.
Q-Do you vote in every election?
A-Yes. I vote in every election. I never miss it.
Q-Where have you found out the most about the things that the candidates plan to do? Where do you find out about the candidates the most? TV, Internet, ads...
A- From the Television
Q-What was the most memorable campaign ad for you?
A- Obama's campaign was pretty memorable.
At Webster Elementary
At Amy 5
I went to Amy 5 with my friend Elona because we live pretty close to each other. We were a bit nervous at first, but once we entered the voting place, it all seemed to go a bit more smooth. I was able to notice a little bit of tension in the answers that the people gave us, so Elona and I both decided not to push too much for answers. When we arrived, we talked to poll workers. We weren't able to talk to voters because they weren't there yet. After Elona and I collected our answers and pictures, we headed towards our separate ways. When I arrived home, my mother told me that she was going to go vote. She invited me to go with her. I took this opportunity so I could see the difference in voting buildings (though Elona and I live near each other, we have different voting buildings.). Our voting building was Webster elementary school. There, I was able to see how voting is manipulated even at the voting polls. When we arrived, I was surprised to find that the democratic party supporters were at the gate with little to no ads and casual clothing, while the Republican party supporters were standing closer to the entrance with big flashy signs and more business like clothing. I wondered whom the voters were going to pay attention to more, the democrats who they talked to earlier, or the republicans with the big flashy signs in their hands near the entrance of the voting polls. This polling center was much more friendly and much more diverse. I noticed that there were many more people there then there was at Amy 5. There were many kids there as well. I also noticed that though the voting polls are supposed to be non-partison, people were very open about their opinion. This was not a problem because most people shared very similar opinions. All in all, this was a very interesting and fun experience for me. I think it definitely motivated me to vote in the future.
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