Wedding dream

I dreamt i was getting married ( yea lame right? ) i was on my way to the church to the alter to meet my groom. i was walking through this grand hall and ended up in this foyer looking place at the bottom was a door that was rounded and seemed like it was part of a submarine but it had a gold finish so that it didn't stand out too much. It had a circle window in the middle of it and i looked in. someone was submerged in water just floating. His hair was dark and curly but pulled back into a ponytail but still some strands got free.I opened the door and he stepped out completely dry wearing white pants and a gold vest over his dress shirt. He took my hand and smiled and walked me too the top of the foyer. The air around me felt cool and tingling. i gripped his hand and we jumped landing in tons and tons of cards some floated up from our impact, and i felt the happiest i ever felt that is until i woke up.
