What if ? - JFK Died in the PT-109 Boat of World War II

This is the link for my benchmark 

My point of divergence was not having JFK exist. There was a point where JFK almost died before he was assassinated. JFK was in World War II. He was in charge of the PT-109 boat in the war. JFK and his crew men were sent out north, PT-109 was not notified that enemy engagement was happening. PT-109 was in the path of Japanese destroyer Armagiri. Armagiri ran down PT-109. The captain of the destroyer was not aware. PT-109 was cut in half. JFK along with seaman Andrew Jackson Kirksey and Harold W. Marney. Which results in him not becoming President.
My future wasn't a specific things changed just in 2012 but the dates leading up to the things that changed in the United States. I just talked about things that happened in 1960s to 2012.

 I changed important things that happened when JFK was president and changed things that happened because of him since he doesn't exist anymore. What I liked about this project was that I could change what ever I wanted and there was little to no limitations. This was a little challenging finding a specific time to change and a specific thing to change. It was challenging finding specific things that had changed in the United States as well. The most interesting fact that I had found out doing this project was that JFK wasn't the best at the space fund. It seem to show that when he was assassinated the space fund was more funded then it was before. Systemic changed impact the historical recored because it had changed things that happened in America and things that could have happened that could have changed the course of American history just because one single person or event didn't happen. What I would change would be more time on the project and having more information then I already have.

Three Created Sources

President Nixon Letter

President Nixon Addresses the Nation
