What If....
What if Chinese Immigration never existed. That is the point of diversion I did for this project. The most challenging part of this project was the history behind this finding information, about this project; history about chinese immigration. Honestly if I had more time to do this project i would totally revamp the entire thing. I've never knew anything about the project, even this might seem a bit awkward, but I never actually knew about World War II ending with an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. The impact that the Chinese people have made in the United States are the fact that the majority of the consumers in america, the major companies are owned by Chinese. Major shoe companies the manufacturing comes from Asia. So thats like a huge impact in America's International trade routes.
This project could improve, just by me going back a lil further in time to make this more informative and it would also help my point of diversion much much more.
This project could improve, just by me going back a lil further in time to make this more informative and it would also help my point of diversion much much more.
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