What is Printmaking?

Printmaking is an art form that allows you copy you art work more than once in a few different ways. Some of the ways are through, relief, intaglio, or, lithography. Printmaking was so important because it was the first art was able to be duplicated. This also a reason why it was so revolutionary. It was able to become very widespread and you could get the prints, or at least copies, to other places in the world.

This print is made by Dutch printmaker, Wijand Otto Jan Nieuwenkamp. This piece can be seen throughout Germany. 
In this photo you can see a body of water flowing through a bridge. The bridge is made of stone with wood boards supporting it. Through the openings in the bridge you can see a town with buildings. On the left side of the bridge you can tell there is a wood structure on it, possibly a house. 
You can see the contrast in texture between the water and the bridge. When you look through the bridge, you see the town ahead, it gives the print many dimensions. I also enjoy this print because I spend a lot of my time by and on the water, so seeing this photo makes me feel at home. I wonder if there was a real place that this print is made to look like. Overall, I think this is beautiful print with many textures. 
