Michaela Donnelly Capstone
For my Capstone I combined two of my passions, Genetics and Engineering to create a website that parents can go on to look at certain traits that their unborn child could have. I used my knowledge of genetics to do the science portion of my site, aka the information that is given back to the user. I needed to learn HTML, a content language and CSS, a styling language, the engineering part, to complete my site so that was my first step. Through watching multiple hour long videos I began to pick up the basic concepts of both languages. From there I built my site into what it is now. My last step is to publish my site for others to use, which has been giving me trouble so for right now, the site lives on my computer. (This might get figured out later though!) Attached below are pictures of the home page of my website.
Annotated Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wNQ7xn1Gn8JOQULJEVYIARuiq3Yqg1lLF_fKfNmWivM/edit?usp=sharing