Who am I Online? - Ayala Silverman

We watched I Am A Witness in Tech class about Jack, a boy being bullied by his classmates.  We watched the video two times, once without clicking the button to help Jack, and another to see what happens when we did help Jack.  The video sort of showed how bullying can happen anywhere and in any form.  It also showed how many people don't step up and help, even if they see what's going on.  

There's not much on me online.  A few of my old projects and another girl's website for becoming Bat Mitzvah are what appear right away.  I doubt people who search up my name would randomly click on the websites that feature my name nonchalantly, so I'm not sure whether I would be perceived as anything. 

The goal of internet trolls is to get a reaction, usually a negative one, out of other people on the internet.  This is made easier because of anonymity granted by being online.  Anonymity online makes the internet trolls' jobs easier, but it also allows for people to have conversations and opinions without giving too much of themselves away to strangers.  

Screenshot 2015-10-28 at 12.10.26 PM
Screenshot 2015-10-28 at 12.10.26 PM
