#6 Who Am I Online Part 2, Reflection- Benjamin Seing

The video was a video of "I Am A Witness" and the activity was to click the "Eye" emoji to help the character in his situation. The video showed a symbol of anti-bullying. It reflects to the idea of stop the amount of bullying in the schools. It brought to my mind that there is someone and a group of people who wants to stop the cruel ways in schools that have bullying especially by cyber. When I look online of who I am online, I tend to be different and not express the way I am in real life. People confess to me that I do not appear the same when in person. By online, we can crop and edit our appearance with false information. The filters people see on my photos that are shared on social media. People like me stay to try and trend to be popular online.  the positive side of the online word is that u can stay connected with many people but the negative is that people are different and they make you feel different about themselves and how they see the world. 
