Why is it important for teens to know net neutrality? Well I do! By: Gil Rosen

Why is net neutrality important for teens to know about?

    It is important for teens to know about net neutrality because they should be able to know what is happening to their internet use. Net neutrality should be spoken out to everyone especially teens. Teens probably complain about their internet being slow the most. Teens need the internet speed more than adults for casual use. More adults are patient than teens are. 

    Teens need to speak up and be the future guidance in the future for equal rights. The teens today are the future adults that need to take charge about their internet. Teens love WiFi and the internet more than anything they own. Speed is key to the teens so they should know that their ISP's are taking charge about their internet that the families are paying for.

     As an ISP you can't just block certain websites and slow others down. It is just not right for ISPs to slow down the websites teens love. This is why teens need to know about net neutrality. They can't take the slowness that the ISPs are giving them, it is just not right. So I hope teens now know why it is important to know about neutrality and they take action on the things they love, internet speed. 


