World Legacy
Everyone has wondered why leaders are the way they are, so kind and selfless, or selfish, greedy, and so tight-fisted. Maybe there’s a deeper understanding into how certain leaders treat their people with respect, or unfairness, while others choose to use people’s fear in order to rule or to stay in power. Some leaders have even used these qualities, and their position of power to take advantage of others. Or to make others feel small. This can be seen in various different stories and even in our lives today. For example, this has been shown in people today, such as Donald Trump, it it shown in certain characters in “The Lord of the Flies” as well. Leaders use fear to be better than everyone else by being in a position of power that no one else has.
Such as, in the scene of the The Lord of the Flies (182), when Ralph is speaking to the twins while they are guarding the castle rock, they are talking about how if Jack and his tribe found him, they will torture him, or even kill him. This links back to the thesis statement about how leaders use their peoples’ fear in order to rule over them. This is what jack is doing with his tribe, and even to people who are not apart of it, in which they bring fear upon even more than the people who are already in his tribe. He’s threatening the people in his own tribe, even more so than those outside of it. However I find Ralph to be of an interesting character because he seems to have that desire to be a leader, however not a selfish kind of leader, one that is full of respect and trust.
Donald Trump also has this kind of affect on people, especially the ones who vote for him because they are giving in to his influence, which is giving him more power. For example, when he said, “The World Trade Center came down during the reign of George Bush. He kept us safe? That’s not safe, Marco. That is not safe,” he continued. “The World Trade Center came down because Bill Clinton (didn’t) kill Osama Bin Laden when he had the chance to kill him. And George Bush-by the way, George Bush had the chance, also, he also didn’t listen to the advice of the CIA.” Trump was saying how he could’ve prevented nine-eleven if he was the president at the time. That’s using people’s fear of nine-eleven to his advantage so that he can get elected for president. However realistically that wouldn’t be the case, if he never even had any sort of presidential experience what so ever. Also how the situation had already occurred, and we can't take it back no matter how hard we tried. Even if he was president, he wouldn't have been able to prevent something as huge as that.
However, being a leader can be a difficult task, but when it comes down to it, you must make the right decision for your people, and put them first instead of yourself. When Jack says,”See?! They only listen to me!”, (179) when all of the children are at the castle rock. Jack was arguing with Ralph right around where piggy dies. This event proves the thesis statement because of how Jack is trying to rule over his tribe with fear, using harsh words, or even violence. In which it is the leader’s choice on how they would want to treat their people, and Jack chose to treat his people very poorly.
An example of this behavior also took place during world war two, when over 60 million people were, shot, burned, and put to their death. This all began because one single man wanted power, Adolf Hitler. He once said,” Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless.” He’s saying how unless it is concluded that war is the purpose of being a leader, than it’s useless. However that shouldn’t be the case, the fact that a great leader is someone who avoids war and violence at all times.
In conclusion, leaders must always be brave for their people, no matter the situation, however not every leader is full of such kindness, and such delicacy, meanwhile other leaders have chosen the path of taking over the power of fear, in which doesn’t get them that far. Leaders choose which direction they want to go, and how they rule over their people.
Work Cited
Golding, William. Lord of the Flies.
New York: Penguin Group, 2003.
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