World of 100 Analysis
This is a bar chart including the answers to questions concerning males and secondary education in the world. According to this chart, my perception of how many males have access to a secondary education is pretty low, compared to the correct answer, however the class average is even lower. I believe that what these results show is a poor perception of education from my classmates and I, which could probably be attributed to us being from Philadelphia. Philadelphia has great colleges and universities, however, often times various neighborhoods lack access to quality schools.Since education isn't that great in Philly and even in America, I assumed that it was much worse in other countries, which may have influenced my answers and made them lower than the correct answers.
This bar chart shows the results to the questions concerning females and secondary education. Again, as with males and secondary education, my answers were much lower than the correct ones. My reasoning from the previous question can also be applied here, yet what shocked me was how equal girls and boys were when it comes to receiving a secondary education. I thought that girls were less likely to receive a secondary education, because I know that in many underdeveloped countries girls are more likely to have children and stay home than boys. However, I guess that my perception was off because girls receive a secondary education at around the same rate as boys. It's interesting that in both questions, I thought that the percentage of girls and boys that didn't receive a secondary education was much higher than the actual rate.
This is a bar chart with the answers to the question about world languages. What surprised me the most after seeing the correct answers was how many people speak other languages in relation to the most "prominent" languages in the world, and also how few people speak English. The reason behind my extremely off answers could be due to the American complex that I have, which basically has skewed my perception into thinking that because America is so important and big globally, then of course there should be a large percentage of people in the world speaking English. This complex definitely influences the way I and other Americans see the world, and is probably why I was shocked to see that only 5 people out of 100 people would speak English.
1) Out of the three categories that I chose to focus on, none of my answers for them were accurate. This was a bit surprising because I've always thought of myself as fairly knowledgeable when it comes to the world's geography and demographics, however these results shown in the graph are evidence of how little I actually do know about the world's demographics. I think this might have been the case due to my lack of research on countries beyond the United States, Latin America and Africa.
2) The real answers that shocked me the most were the amount of people with access to clean drinking water and the percentage of people living in urban versus rural areas. I thought that only developed, wealthy nations had access to clean drinking water, yet surprising over 80% of the world does. This was a shock compared to all the images of poor countries with polluted water that I had been accustomed to. Also, I was surprised to see that roughly the same amount of people live in rural areas as in urban areas. I just assumed that more people lived in rural areas because in my mind, the entire world is made of rural places with few spots of cities, but I see now that this perception was off.
3)I think that the biggest reason behind my inaccurate predictions can be explained by the 'American complex'.
1) Out of the three categories that I chose to focus on, none of my answers for them were accurate. This was a bit surprising because I've always thought of myself as fairly knowledgeable when it comes to the world's geography and demographics, however these results shown in the graph are evidence of how little I actually do know about the world's demographics. I think this might have been the case due to my lack of research on countries beyond the United States, Latin America and Africa.
2) The real answers that shocked me the most were the amount of people with access to clean drinking water and the percentage of people living in urban versus rural areas. I thought that only developed, wealthy nations had access to clean drinking water, yet surprising over 80% of the world does. This was a shock compared to all the images of poor countries with polluted water that I had been accustomed to. Also, I was surprised to see that roughly the same amount of people live in rural areas as in urban areas. I just assumed that more people lived in rural areas because in my mind, the entire world is made of rural places with few spots of cities, but I see now that this perception was off.
3)I think that the biggest reason behind my inaccurate predictions can be explained by the 'American complex'.
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