12 Year Olds in Peru
I feel as though the 12 year olds in America can not relate at all to the things the 12 year olds in Peru have to accomplish everyday. American children are lazy and probably haven't even thought of money making unless it's putting change in their piggy bank. For children in Peru, working is not only their only way to survive but also their families way. American 12 year olds usually depend on their parent to buy them what ever they want or to depend on their parent for their personal wants. The children in Peru are their family's provider. They don't even have the choice to think about personal wants because they can't afford anything that is not necessary. If they even live to be 40, I feel as though they would be bitter towards the world because they didn't really have a childhood. Most of them aren't able to obtain and education making it harder for them to succeed in the world so they would probably just think that working 24/7 is the only way to get a little closer to what you need to get by in life.
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