Choice in Our Lives

In The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood speculates about what a world without choice would look like. Nobody within the world of Gilead has any choice for anything in their lives. The narrator states on page 24 that the reason for this control is that before Gilead, “Women were not protected.” In Offred’s flashbacks about what life was like before, there are many experiences that lots of women in The United States can relate to, like catcalling or someone’s appearance. The fact that Offred is still thinking about all of this shows that none of it is really gone. The main difference between Gilead and society now is that nobody has any choice. They don’t have a choice about their names, their clothes, their diet and other aspects of their day to day life.

The idea of choice is very prominent in The United States right now. Politicians have been debating about it. The media is reporting on it. Ever since states have been granted the power to decide the legality of abortion by The Supreme Court, everyone is hearing the word choice used in this context. It seems like everyone is being put into two categories, are you pro-choice or not? The case Roe V Wade was decided under the right to privacy and the reason given to overturn it was that there was an abuse to judicial authority. However, many are asking whether the government should take away the ability to choose to have an abortion. According to NPR and a poll from Gallup, the majority of adults in the country identify as pro choice, but that is not what policies reflect. The many conversations being had and arguments being thrown out does not change the fact that a major choice to take control of their own life has been taken away from so many people.

Amy Coney Barrett is one of the justices that was for the decision regarding abortion made by The Supreme Court, and because of this opinion, many have speculated about how religious ideals have incorporated themselves into American politics. There is a “tight-knit faith community” based in The United States called The People of Praise. Barrett has never publicly spoken about being part of this group, but some have come out to say she is a member. While according to The New York Times, they are falsely accused of inspiring The Handmaid’s Tale, there are still some connections that can be made about this religious group and Gilead. For example, they agree with traditional gender roles. In Atwood’s novel, women in the house are expected to split up the household jobs. While in The Handmaid’s Tale choice has been completely taken from everyone, members of The People of Praise have a choice to make. Whether they want to marry, or stay single and celibate. Single members often live in houses with other families and help with chores.

Another example of how religion has creeped into other aspects of daily life comes from Dr. Wang, who is a member of The People of Praise. He talked to one of the heads of the community about whether he should prescribe contraceptives to his patients even though it goes against religious teachings, and after this conversation, he decided to not prescribe them since they are against his own personal beliefs. Finally, The People of Praise do not support the LGBTQ+ community, like many others around the world. While it is not specifically said in the book, it is implied that this is also the view of leaders in Gilead. When the main character vividly describes the scene where people are hanged for their crime, she says that some were punished for “Gender Treachery,” on page 43. This term hints at open sexuality or gender identity, which is the opposite of their message.

While this religious group is not doing the same extreme work as the fictitious religious group in Atwood’s speculative fiction novel, they are one example of a publicly talked about topic, when it comes to the idea of choice in society and in American politics. Choice has not been absolutely taken away from all citizens in this country. Everyone can still decide what to do day to day. While some might not think so, small decisions matter, and that is displayed in The Handmaid’s Tale, through many examples, such as not being able to even use their real names. The Handmaid’s Tale shows what society could become if these decisions were taken too far. There is comfort in the fact that the world has not reached that level yet, and leaders in Gilead thought that too because as Offred says on page 25, “We were a society dying… of too much choice.”


The painting depicts a woman who had just given birth to an egg, a baby. Her gown and expressions beneath represent her upholding and giving her baby away, fulfilling her purpose with the egg. She is unfounded, unplaced, and no longer depressed. By the purpose of the egg’s aura, numerous shrouds of color engulf the mother in a spiral of mind-warping, a mind control. Her mind is no longer as it had warped before creating that egg. Her eyes revolve as the yellow spirals take possession of her pupils, relinquishing her of all pain and observations. She’s become a used puppet.

I used an egg as a personification of mind-warping to comprehend the control of its glory within The Handmaid’s Tale. Offred explains a routine of cooking and respecting eggs. Later perceiving: “I think that this is what God must look like an egg. The moon’s life may not be on the surface, but inside. The egg is glowing now as if it had an energy of its own. To look at the egg gives me intense pleasure.”(C.19) She describes her egg as God. Not only can it be mesmerized for its glory, but it’s also praised, worshiped even — the perplexion of a genuine shift of beliefs. It can almost even be a forced shift of beliefs. She also persuades — “Women used to carry such eggs between their breasts, to incubate them. That would have felt good—the minimalist life. Pleasure is an egg. Blessings that can be counted, on the fingers of one hand. But possibly this is how I am expected to react. If I have an egg, what more can I want?” (19) This deludes as an emotional source to that of the egg’s power. The egg cannot be profound any less from Offred as joy, her everything poured into that one egg. I used that perplexion in my drawing to represent a spiral of yellow in her eyes – obscure blindness to everything else around them except that egg, their child, their savior. Of minimal test, I used that egg to describe her warmth in that drawing. In that painting, trapped around multiple colors–layers of government and unholy controls that have mentally destroyed her will to fight; the woman uses the egg as warmth even in her final sanity.

While that egg can be profound by its omnipotence, its effects cannot last long. The woman holding the egg while bleeding will soon have to let go of it, not knowing why as she can’t comprehend what is happening around her except that egg. Offred then envokes: ” If I have an egg, what more can I want? In reduced circumstances, the desire to live attaches itself to strange objects. I would like a pet: a bird, say, or a cat. A familiar. Anything at all familiar. A rat would do, in a pinch, but there’s no chance of that. This house is too clean. I slice the top off the egg with the spoon, and eat the contents.” (19) Empowering the means of shares.

I used Offred’s quote of action against the woman’s uncontested ownership: the egg will not sooner belong to her. Unwavering confusion, anger, sadness, pain: nerves she can’t feel as she stands forward with the egg. Slowly, the egg could be eaten or forgotten by its fruition. As the egg and even the women, they’ve fulfilled their “purpose”.

Lit Log Period (1)

Reader Response Lit Log

Reflecting on Female Body Image

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood is a complicated piece of literature. Atwood allows the plot of this story to flow nicely by narrating and using the perspective from Offred, the main character. Writing the novel through first person shows how much impact Offred has on the other women in Gilead. The Handmaid’s Tale focuses on the female gender. Offred has to obey the rules, do her duties, and continue to interact with other humans. There are activities like this I have to complete. I take my time in the shower washing my body, doing my laundry and folding my clothes, and participating in exercise to improve my body.

Throughout the novel, I noticed that Atwood often relies on short and choppy sentences that get right to the point. “ We are containers, it’s only the insides of our body that are important”(96). Ideas of feminism connect with me , as a young adult who identifies as a female. Young females struggle with healthy images of themselves. Often, girls pick on themselves affecting their emotional health. I have been meeting with a therapist. Though therapy is not a highlight of my life, I believe it should be more normalized to attend. I too have insecurities. I have struggled with being comfortable with my body.

smooth skin, delicate limbs, and curves around the body. the beauty standard that girls have been inspired from. Instagram models become popular followed by the public. This isn’t fair to people who are called fat, round, or thick. If the human body is healthy and functioning these variables should not matter.

Offred in Gilead often remembers things from the time before. In Gilead, the Handmaids’ purpose is to bear children: “I used to think of my body as an instrument, of pleasure, or a means of transportation… I could use it to run, push buttons of one sort or another, make things happen. There were limits, but my body was nevertheless lithe, single, solid, one with me”(73). Actions of the handmaids should at all times be toward getting pregnant. Boobs are examined looking for tenderness, and they are questioned about appetite. I too have body parts that identify me as a woman. I have to go through the monthly process of having a menstruation cycle. I run for frisbee, I walk and take the bus to school, and type on my computer to complete assignments.

I have a sweet tooth. There is barely any candy I won’t eat quickly. I often give into the cravings, stuffing myself with fast food, ice cream, and chocolate. Calories travel to different parts of the body and make them look wider or enlarged—My thighs feel too thick, my chest bigger than others, and my arms dangle. My parents often remark, “Dinah, I’ve noticed you look skinnier recently. Have you been eating lunch?” There are times where school lunches aren’t good. I deny it, I eat outside of school, I look healthy. I want to feel proud , confident, and special in my body. It will come with time and support from my friends, family, and classmates.

Cost of Conversation

Here we can see the two stalls that Offred and Moira would hide in at a specific time so they could talk for a few minutes. This part of the book shows the lengths they must go to for basic interactions. Interactions that we take for granted every day. You can see the damp floors as the building is fairly run down and poorly cared for. This reflects the dystopian world that they live in where every aspect of their lives is a battle they are desperately trying to win. Covered up by cheap paint that has already begun to peel, the stalls have emerging graffiti that predates their arrival in the gymnasium. The singular window rests high up in the corner of the bathroom, bared off like one you would find in a prison, emphasizing the similarity between their situation and that of a prisoner. The bathroom is dimly lit by one small light hanging from the center of the ceiling. The yellow stained urinals not only show the lack of care shown to the restrooms but also the desperation of the situation they’re in. They have so many women in the gymnasium that they have to resort to using both restrooms. Offred and Moira condemn themselves to these rundown bathrooms for the sole goal of having a conversation. They bring their faces close to a hole in the cracking wooden stalls so they can hear each other’s whispers. Speaking softly so that no guard or aunt can hear their prohibited conversation.

A singular light hangs from the ceiling, trying desperately to light up the room while simultaneously symbolizing their conversation. Their life in the gymnasium is inhuman, the darkness in the restroom. Their simple exchange of words is the light they’re holding on to, trying to overpower the darkness that surrounds them. Speaking to each other for a few brief moments is all they have to look forward to. The only aspect of their lives they still have some control over. Every other human interaction is restricted and overseen by the aunts. Guards who strictly enforce the new rules law, which are vastly different from the lives they used to live. Lives that the handmaids are encouraged to forget. 

However, one’s past can never truly be forgotten. The blue paint that covers the previously graffitied stalls is already starting to peel. Revealing the neon pink art that was once the face of the stalls. No matter how hard the paint tries to cover up the graffiti, it will always be there and it will eventually reemerge. Like the laws that predate Giliad, they have not been forgotten. While the new ways of life have covered them up, they will reappear. To Offred her graffiti is Luke, who she believes will find his way back to her no matter the challenges he faces. The run down stalls show that the old ways of life can weather the storm and return despite a few cracks. No matter how strict Giliad is now, people will find their way back to the graffiti. 
Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 3.57.30 PM
Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 3.57.30 PM

Lit Log #1

The inspiration for this artwork comes from the various women on this planet, whether transgender or born female. In my opinion, everyone is important. I think that we all have a purpose other than reproduction. The many hues of the ladies in my artworks symbolize how varied we are yet so similar. We may appear to be similar on the exterior, but it is not who we are on the inside, and what frequently divides us may also bring us together. The holding hands symbolize our solidarity and the necessity to keep together and fight for our rights. They are within the uterus because some men depict us as nothing more than that, but in truth, we are powerful individuals who have worked hard to be where we are today. Only for today’s culture to dismiss us for being who we are and because of our gender.

History does not give any reassurance of what can be done for women; it constantly prioritizes males and children, with women always being the second priority. A good example is on page 46 of Chapter 8 when it says about the commander’s wife, “She doesn’t make speeches anymore. She has become speechless. She stays in her home.” The narrator notices how defeated the commander’s wife appears in comparison to how she appears on television, which leads the reader to wonder if the commander doesn’t care or if it’s a lack of attention. Over time, the notion of what a woman is has faded, and expectations have taken its place.

Woman, as she calls herself: “An adult female human being.” That is the Google definition of the word, but that is not what it genuinely implies. In recent years, the formerly proud title has become a derogatory slur. People expect women to fulfill these roles of the “ideal” women, the kind that cooks, cleans, stays at home to take care of the kids, does everything that a man says… the list can go on and on. In Gilead, it’s no better it’s worse In The Handmaid’s Tale it was ingrained into their head that they have no opinion, respect those above them, and would mean nothing if it were not your ability to have children. “Each month I watch for blood, fearfully, because when it comes, it means failure,” says one character in Chapter 13 on page 73. “I have yet again failed to meet the expectations of others.” I was disturbed after reading this since the narrator hopes she doesn’t have her period every month so she isn’t deemed a “failure.” These Gilead males give the idea to women that they have no authority and solely exist to serve them. Making the reader believe that women have no actual worth. This reminds me of a phrase I saw the other day in an article: “You are worth nothing in human terms.” This phrase was taken from one of the anti-pornography literature that connected with what I was saying. The author was pro-woman and believed that pornography was a tool for males to sexualize and abuse women.

The moral of this artwork is that we can be anything we want to be because we are no longer locked in the old way of thinking and are instead moving ahead to a brighter future in which men and women should be treated equally.


Aidan simas- The World In Which We Live

Aidan simas- The World In Which We Live

“There are three new bodies on the Wall. One is a priest, still wearing the black cassock. That’s been put on him, for the trial, even though they gave up wearing those years ago, when the sect wars first began; cassocks made them too conspicuous. The two others have purple placards hung around their necks: Gender treachery. Caught together, they must have been, but where? A barracks, a shower? It’s hard to say. The snowman with the red smile is gone.”

This section from the first page of chapter 8 (pg 43) gave me a lot to think about, on a personal level and about the book. The oppressive society in the handmaid’s tale is some sort of religious organization, heavily patriarchal, and very traditional in the way they want society to be. The brutality they put on display as examples of what happens to those who disobey the strict rules they have set is nothing short of what’s expected of a society like Gilead. As someone who values the humanity I see in those around me it seems like the most terrible thing to dehumanize everyone in a society in the name of order. In the way of oppressive societies this is a largely successful one. The goal of reproduction seems to have a clear path and the fact that they’ve become the dominant force seems like they got a lot done in less than 3 years. As a society it’s far from perfect however much “freedom from” they offer. They still need to convince others with brutality to follow them. This is the flaw of regimes. As soon as the people who follow are not fearful they refuse to be governed and end up crumbling. The sins of our current society don’t ever compare to how bad things could be. But how bad they really are is nothing to scoff at either. Gilead was a reaction to something, a harsh one but still valid. If we are to believe that our society is rampant with crime and run by satan worshiping pedophiles, Gilead would only be the natural reaction of those who wanted change.

As someone in this world who is a staunch believer in freedom to rather than freedom from and someone who enjoys every aspect of humanity observing Gilead as some sort of polar opposite to my own views is sort of eye opening. I relate certain aspects to my life though. Hiding things about myself is part of my life as is making mutually beneficial “alliances” with other people. My relationship needs to be hidden from certain people as it’s not a heterosexual relationship. I need to be sure to do favors for people and make others feel good around me so they might help me when I need favors in turn. I’d like to think there are no similarities between my life and the life of Offred but that would be wrong entirely. In fact there is little we don’t have in common. Specifically the wall.

The wall represents an example of those who violated the rules of society. I have this in the form of social media and in the form of the News channel. These mediums both display examples of those who violated the rules of my society and were ridiculed, imprisoned, or worse. The wall has bodies and hooks where social media has people who are “canceled” and those who have been killed or otherwise for their transgressions as well as a healthy dose of propaganda on the side. Another similarity to the Handmaid’s tale in my own life is how much the state spies on us. The government has access to any bit of information they need all they need to do is know it exists. This is less easy even for Gilead who is more controlling over its population. The only thing stopping the government from turning itself into a totalitarian regime is itself and the system of checks and balances. Not to mention international tensions being on the rise, the future uncertain. I don’t know if or when I will be able to be myself in my own society but I know I will defend my right to my individuality and my humanity to my dying breath. How Gilead gives me perspective on the world in which we live is this: We aren’t that far from being unrecognizable from what we are currently. That is all I have to say.

The Handmaid's Tale Playlist

A playlist for The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood would convey the main themes of womanhood, sadness and hope, similar to the themes in the novel. For this playlist, I selected five songs:

Cloudbusting by Kate Bush, Bigger Than the Whole Sky by Taylor Swift, Back to the Old House by The Smiths, The Man by Taylor Swift, and What Was I Made For? by Billie Eilish

Cloudbusting is not a song I would connect to The Handmaid’s Tale for its lyrics, but more so the feeling of the song. Bush says “​​But every time it rains / You’re here in my head / Like the sun coming out”. This song demonstrates the idea of hope. Throughout chapter 18, Offred describes the different ways she imagines what could have happened to Luke. After she plays out these imaginations, she imagines the message Luke would send to her: “I must have patience: sooner or later he will get me out, we will find her, wherever they’ve put her. She’ll remember us and we will be all three of us together. (106)” Offred tells herself these stories to give herself hope and to keep her going. Cloudbusting demonstrates this beautifully, which is why it would be a powerful addition to the playlist.

Bigger Than the Whole Sky is well fitting for Offred and her daughter. As Offred continues to tell her story of life in the ‘before times’, she briefly mentions the daughter she once had, who was taken from her when she got placed into the current system. Bigger Than the Whole Sky is about losing someone who meant more than the whole world. The chorus reads “You were more than just a short time / And I’ve got a lot to pine about / I’ve got a lot to live without” This is Offred’s general feeling about her daughter: she has lots of spare time, lots to spend wondering about what she has lost. “Did some force take you because I didn’t pray?… / So I’ll say words I don’t believe” is one lyric that is directly linked to Offred, as well as the society she is living in. Gilead is centered around religion. If Offred had been more involved in religion, maybe she would still be with her daughter. The second part of the lyric describes Offred’s imagination: “The things I believe can’t all be true, though one of them must be… This contradictory way of believing seems to me, right now, the only way I can believe anything. (106)” She reassures that Luke and her daughter are safe and okay.

Back to the Old House is a song that I would imagine Offred playing in her head while she lays in her bedroom. Back to the Old House is a song about missing what you once had and not appreciating it as it was. I relate this to Offred and the way she reflects on her previous time with Luke and their family. One lyric from the song is: “Are you still there or have you moved away? / I would love to go / Back to the old house” The artist is wondering where their lover is, and hoping to go back, similar to Offred. This song encapsulates Offred lying in bed looking up at the wreath or looking out her window. “I fold back the sheet, get carefully up, on silent bare feet, in my nightgown, go to the window, like a child, I want to see. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow.(97)” This song plays in the back of my mind during this scene, or even an instrumental version of it, either well fitting the tone of the scene.

The Man connects to the culture of Gilead. The Man is about how much more Taylor Swift could achieve if she had been a man. Men are indifferent to the women in Gilead. When Offred tells the Commander that she doesn’t want him to make anything obvious to Serena, he doesn’t even realize he had. “Did I?” he says. He is paying very little attention to his actions and he doesn’t realize how much is at risk for Offred; if they were caught he would get no blame and she would be an Unwomen. After the conversation with the Commander, Offred thinks “You can see from the way I was speaking to him we were already on different terms. (162)” The Man perfectly portrays how Offred felt in this moment, knowing that they are in two different situations and the Commander has less, if not nothing, to lose.

What Was I Made For? by Billie Eilish outlines the feelings of many of the women in Gilead. What Was I Made For? is about identity and place in the world. In the household each woman has their own role and limits. The system for women causes unhappiness for all of them. Serena envies Offred for her fertility, her reminder of what she can’t provide for her family. Offred envies Serena for her freedom, on page 69 she writes “If only I could embroider. Weave, knit, something to do with my hands.” Offred gets the honor of giving birth to a child, but the Marthas get the joy of raising it, even though it is Serena’s kid. The song perfectly connects to the emotion and longing of the many women throughout the novel.

Link to YouTube Song: []

Perspective of Women

Margaret Atwood built up a religious society that prioritze’s reproduction in The Handmaid’s Tale. As a society, women often fear men whether that be catcalling or assault. But there is also a selection of women who don’t feel disgusted by catcalling. Offred is a woman who has no power in her society, Gilead. She does not leave her house very much due to her role as a handmaid and when she does, she is with a partner. “As we walk away I[Offred] know they’re watching, these two men who aren’t yet permitted to touch women. They touch with their eyes instead and I move my hips a little, feeling the full red skirt sway around me.”(22) which infers that she feels a sense of power when she is provoking the young soldiers in the streets. It is quite odd how she does not feel fear during this moment and how big the contrast is compared to our society today.

Even though Gilead protects women now, it was never like that. The book mentions “rules that were never spelled out but that every woman knew: Don’t open your door to a stranger, even if he says he is the police… Keep the locks on and keep going. If anyone whistles, don’t turn to look.”(24). The past Gilead is very similar to our society now. The same rules apply to women today however, our society is definitely more dangerous. Women often fear talking to men in the streets due to activities like rape or assault. Although it is advised for women to not go out alone, many resort to having self defense weapons. Gilead solved this problem as Offred mentioned “We aren’t allowed to go there except in twos. This is supposed to be for our protection, though the notion is absurd: we are well protected already.”(19). The difference between Gilead and our society today shows how comfortable women feel around men in public.

This also brings up later on when Offred was “ashamed of [her]self for doing it”(22) which is how she acknowledges that it is wrong but yet she feels pleasure from doing it. This small bit of power she has over these men brings her joy due to her relation to men in general. but yet society makes it so women are only objects. As the Atwood “there is supposed to be nothing entertaining about us, no room is to be permitted for the flowering of secret lusts; no special favors are to be wheedled, by them or us, there are to be no toehold for love. We are two-legged wombs, that’s all:sacred vessels, ambulatory chalices.”(136). However this is not much different than our society today. Women are often seen as disposable and objects when it comes to men’s sexual desires. Offred knows she is only “for breeding purposes”(136) which makes this dynamic of a young man that can’t touch her and a woman who accepts the fact that she is just an object. In today’s society, women are not objects and many speak out on this subject. Feminist movements are bigger than ever and the people are fighting for women’s rights. This does not exist in the present Gilead however it may have been a movement in the past Gilead.

Although this ideology exists, women still find pleasure in being catcalled. In our society today, street culture often puts women in fear but catcalling is very two sided. One side is very disturbing where women are scared to walk outside, in fear that they will be touched. The other side is odd where women feel pride and an ego boost when a man shouts for them. Offred is a part of the other side but it is purely based on how Gilead functions as a society. Offred wants men to think about her and “hopes they get hard at the sight of us and have to rub themselves against the painted barriers, surreptitiously.” because this gives her the satisfaction she wants. Although a selection of women choose to brag and gloat about being catcalled, the majority are aware of the danger of men. Maybe women feel this way because of the lack of power these women feel. This could also contribute to their confidence and self esteem because they want to feel like they matter. Overall, it is a toxic mentality that kind of discards the fear factor of the society around women. Offred is protected in Gilead but women in today’s society still live in fear.

Household, Before the Ceremony

I chose to depict the scene before the Ceremony, when everyone gathers in the sitting room to read the Bible. This scene is very visual and physical, with everyone gathered awkwardly, waiting for the Commander. Everyone has their spot in the room, dictated by their role in the household. I could very clearly picture this scene - everyone in their distinct colors, in this ornate, victorian sitting room that seems unused until this moment.

When the Commander comes in, Offred says “He manages to appear puzzled, as if he can’t quite remember how we all got in here. As if we are something he inherited, like a Victorian pump organ, and he hasn’t figured out what to do with us. What we are worth.,” (Atwood, 87) The people waiting for the Commander are presented as an assortment, a collection even, and one that doesn’t seem very valuable. The image is even clearer after she says this, and so is the significance of this moment. This is the gathering of the household, revealing the true hierarchy - the Commander above all else. The wife is stripped of her illusion of power during this moment and the rest of the Ceremony. This is not her house, as much as she acts like it is. They are all under the rule of the Commander, under the ownership of the Commander. Offred asks, “…If he were to falter, fail, or die what would become of us?” (Atwood, 88) They are nothing without him. He provides them with the small amount of safety and power they have now. They are his property. Like objects, they will be sent off to an unknown place, lost, powerless, and purposeless without him. All of that becomes clear in this moment, for Offred and the reader.

I chose to depict the women and Nick as mere colors, with no other identifying features, because they aren’t seen as fully human by the Commander and the larger society. They are defined by their duty to their society and have no value outside of their household role. They are painted, rather than drawn to differentiate them from the Commander and the room, his room. The Commander is depicted as a human because his humanness is the only one that is valued by this society. The others are just extras, a piece of his world.

I also read the description of the room very carefully and tried to replicate it the best I could. Offred mentions the symmetry of the room, so I made the room completely symmetrical except for the group of people and the table with the Bible. She talks about the daffodils on the table next to the sofa, and the ornate chairs the Commander and Wife sit in. The mantel is described in great detail, with dried flowers on either side and silver candlesticks on either side of the mirror, which is flanked by old paintings of women. I included all of these because the physicality and atmosphere are very important in this scene - the ornate, unused sitting room makes the Ceremony even more awkward.


THT Lit Log #1

My artwork depicts a pigeon poking itself to death as a representation of a handmaid. This is based on writing from Margaret Atwood’s, The Handmaid’s Tale, as the main character, Offred, had given inspiration for this drawing in chapter thirteen.

During this section, Offred is speaking about the extensive free time she has now that she is serving her new role in society. She starts to draw comparisons between herself and animals, such as pigs being entertained with balls in which they roll with their snouts. She had learned about this in a Psychology class. However the author decides to include another strange animal fact about pigeons, as Offred remembers more from this very same class. Offred reminisces about this on page seventy, reciting: “And the one on the pigeons, trained to peck a button that made a grain of corn appear. Three groups of them: the first got one grain per peck, the second one grain every other peck, the third was random. When the man in charge cut off the grain, the first group gave up quite soon, the second group a little later. The third group never gave up. They’d peck themselves to death, rather than quit. Who knew what worked?” As a reader this can be recognized as a strange side tangent, but with closer inspection there can be many layers to interpret. This seems to be a reference to the obvious baby and reproduction issue that Offred’s society is dealing with, as the seeds represent the babies, slowly ceasing to be birthed on a frequent basis. However, why would this result in the pigeons killing themselves? This could be Offred seeing herself and the other handmaids as the pigeons, pecking for a brighter future however not knowing the attempts are purposeless. They could be simply killing themselves, which I attempted to show in my drawing.

Offred mentions this feeling of hopelessness many times. She wishes for a brighter future beyond her current situation. She likes to assure herself that there is an escape but still recognizes that she might not get that opportunity. Offred most clearly states these ideas on page one hundred thirty four, explaining, “I intend to get out of here. It can’t last forever. Others have thought such things, in bad times before this, and they were always right, they did get out one way or another, and it didn’t last forever. Although for them it may have lasted all the forever they had.” This quote represents Offred’s knowledge that her situation might be the end of her, that she might be stuck for the rest of “the forever” she has. Though this doesn’t crush her belief in a better life, she still keeps pressing this button of hope, even if it may not ever give her the symbol of a “seed” that she desires. When I was making my drawing this is what I had in mind, the symbolic connection between Offred, the handmaids, and the pigeons. Pecking themselves to death in her Psychology class.


Who Are the Handmaids?

I created a collage of a picture of a Handmaid, but as a doll. Throughout the text, Offred compares herself and others in her situation to dolls because of the way they are being controlled. While in conversation with Serena Joy, Offred remarks to herself, “They used to have dolls, for little girls, that would talk if you pulled a string at the back; I thought I was sounding like that, voice of a monotone, voice of a doll.” (pg. 16) Offred has no self expression or free will. Like a doll, she is being controlled, and everything she says is what she’s supposed to say, and everything she does is dictated by the will of others.

Another thing that struck me about the text is the way the handmaids are treated like children. This is especially seen in the scenes that take place in the gymnasium. The handmaids go through a sort of rebirth while in training, from cleansing themselves through Testifying, to total indoctrination and brainwashing at the hands of the Aunts. While reading this, I felt like the society was trying to create a blank slate out of the handmaids, someone new to the world, like a child. As I read the training scenes, I saw more of this. The handmaids call their mentors “aunt”, have daily naptime, are taught in a high school, and are overall put in situations that parallel those of kids. One example of this is when Janine Testifies and is humiliated in front of the handmaids, and they chant, “Crybaby, Crybaby. Crybaby.” (pg. 72) As soon as I first read this, “crybaby” struck me as an interesting choice of words. Crybaby is what kids call other kids when they’re making fun of them, it’s a word that’s associated with children. I found this to be another reason why a doll is a good metaphor for the handmaids. Dolls are toys for kids, and comparing the handmaids to dolls emphasizes the childlike manner in which they are treated.

I also decided to make the handmaid in my collage’s red dress made of flowers. From the first few chapters, I noticed connections between the handmaids and flowers. While Offred and Serena Joy are waiting for the Ceremony to begin, Offred narrates about her companion, “Even at her age she still feels the urge to wreathe herself in flowers. No use for you, I think at her, my face unmoving, you can’t use them any more, you’re withered.” (pg. 81-82) Offred is criticizing the Commander’s Wife’s obsession with flowers which we see in the text through her perfume choice, decor, and of course, her dedication to her garden. During a group discussion, several of my table mates thought that the garden represented motherhood, and Serena Joy’s commitment to her garden was her practicing for her one role in society. This made me later think that flowers represented children and fertility. It would explain why Offred reacted the way she did to the Commander’s Wife’s interest in flowers, describing her as withered, and why Serena Joy is obsessed with them in the first place.

Not only do the flowers represent fertility, but the handmaids themselves, since handmaids aren’t treated as real people, and their only purpose is for their job. The text describes the life of a tulip the same as it describes that of a handmaid, stating, “The tulips along the border are redder than ever, opening, no longer wine cups but chalices; thrusting themselves up, to what end? They are, after all, empty. When they are old they turn themselves inside out, then explode slowly, the petals thrown out like shards.” (pg. 45). This description of the flowers almost exactly parallels the life of a handmaid. To the republic, there is no difference between handmaids and their job, they are one in the same.

Offred's Unreliable Narration

“It isn’t a story I’m telling.

It’s also a story I’m telling, in my head, as I go along” (p. 39).

Throughout The Handmaid’s Tale, Offred frequently reminds us that this story is a “reconstruction”, that she is telling us what happened, and that that is all we get to know. This idea first comes up on page 39, when Offred is spiraling, saying she wishes she was telling a story and she wants someone to tell her story too. At this point in the text, I was so overwhelmed by this new society that the book takes place in, all of the characters, and the lack of backstory that I glossed over this section, not recognizing that Offred was essentially admitting to being an unreliable narrator.

The first time her narration really made me stop to question the story’s reliability was when she described Moira’s escape. In this section, Offred recounts events that she heard from Janine, who heard them from Aunt Lydia, who heard them from Aunt Elizabeth. This roundabout source is questionable to begin with, but Offred takes it one step further and adds details that she thinks probably happened: “I could kill you, you know, said Moira, when Aunt Elizabeth was safely stowed out of sight behind the furnace…Just remember I didn’t, if it ever comes to that. Aunt Lydia didn’t repeat any of this part to Janine, but I expect Moira said something like it” (p. 132). Offred has no source for this line of dialogue, only her familiarity with Moira and knowledge of events leading up to and following the alleged conversation. This made me wonder if Offred might have made up any other aspects of the story. We know that not everything she hears may be reliable, like the news, but could she have added in or taken out other important information from the narrative?

Just as the chapter on Moira’s escape casts doubt on the narration’s reliability, the very next chapter begins with the lines “This is a reconstruction. All of it is a reconstruction” (p. 134). Offred even tells us that “It’s impossible to say a thing exactly the way it was, because what you say can never be exact, you always have to leave something out, there are too many parts, sides, crosscurrents, nuances…” (p. 134). Here, she is fully admitting that her words are not always reliable and true. She doesn’t seem to have ill intentions behind her questionable narration, but she does appear resigned to the fact that she will never achieve full honesty in her retellings. So we’re left with the knowledge that Offred’s memory poses a threat to her narration and creates this idea of the story being a “reconstruction”.

This frustrated me. I understood that Offred might not be able to recount details perfectly, especially when so much of the story takes place in the past, but it felt like she wasn’t even trying to be accurate. When describing her first time meeting up with the Commander in secret, Offred says, “I think about the blood coming out of him, hot as soup, sexual, over my hands. In fact I don’t think about anything of the kind. I put it in only afterwards. Maybe I should have thought about that, at the time, but I didn’t. As I said, this is a reconstruction” (p. 140). This section particularly irritated me. Why would she mislead us in the first place, telling us false information, just to end with a “Sike! That was a lie”? But in looking for someone to blame, I felt like I had to focus on Atwood, not Offred. Why had Atwood made this narrative choice? The story is already fiction, so she could write it however she wanted. Why not just give us reliable scenes? Particularly in the first third of the book, it was so hard keeping up with this new and disturbing society that having to question everything Offred says on top of it all just felt insulting.

But as my understanding of Offred’s world and her character expanded, I realized that the unique narration is as important as the setting and the characters. We learn about Offred through the way she tells her story, and end up with a better understanding of her role and how she views herself. When Offred says that she wishes this was a story she was telling, we recognize her desperation and the hardships she’s been put through. And because she’s recounting events from the past, she’s already had time to analyze and draw messages from her experiences. For example, describing a lesson from Aunt Lydia, Offred says “[Men] only want one thing. You must learn to manipulate them, for your own good…Aunt Lydia did not actually say this, but it was implicit in everything she did say” (p. 144). In a way, Offred makes some things easier for the reader by delivering information directly, even if the exact facts are a bit off. So while her inaccuracies can be jarring at times, I think the unique narration style adds a layer of depth to the story that it might not have otherwise.

Lit Log #1- Personal Reflection

One part of The Handmaid’s Tale that really stuck out to me was when we were learning about how Offred thinks about her daughter. She starts off saying “she fades, I cant keep her here with me, she’s gone now. Maybe I do think of her as a ghost, the ghost of a dead girl,”. Reading this surprised me at first, because I had believed that she kept hope that Luke was alive somewhere, but with her daughter she’s given up all hope that she would be alive. Part of me felt like she kept hope of Luke being alive as a coping mechanism to get through the horrible situation she is in, but she didn’t think of her daughter as alive. I wonder if subconsciously she is trying to save her daughter from being in her situation, and bringing her into her reality. While I thought the thought of Luke gave her hope, the wound of being separated from her daughter is still so fresh.

Later in the story she says “ ..and think about a girl who did not die when she was five; who still exists, I hope, though not for me. Do I exist for her? Am I a picture somewhere, in the dark at the back of her mind.” . This part was really interesting to me because when she asks the question about whether she exists to her daughter it made me feel genuine sadness for her. I don’t know what it’s like to be a mother, but judging off my mom, and other mothers, the pain of having to abandon your child must be unbearable. I think that she understands that she can make it through this, so the hard part is not being there for the one she cares for most. The pain of unintentionally abandoning your child must be one of the worst feelings a human can feel.

Another thing relating to family to me that isn't obviously about family is when offred was talking about playing scrabble with the commander. The quote that stuck out to me was “To be asked to play scrabble, instead, as if wwe were an old married couple, or two children, seemed kinky in the extreme, a violation in its own way.”. To me this moment also felt uncomfortable because it's a weird power dynamic where she cant say no. In my personal life I've always seen boardgames and other activities of that manner as a bonding experience. As a kid I have memories of playing board games with my uncles and how special that was to me. I remember sitting around my uncles dining room table, past my bedtime, with my uncles all yelling over each other, and laughing, so board games have a sweet aftertaste when I think about them. From what I understand other people's families also have some sort of game nights, so I've always seen it as a safe spot of sorts. The fact that the commander has so much power over her, and could have her killed at the snap of his fingers, it's a cold and serious activity, with a lot to lose. Playing with my family, things get heated, but there's nothing to lose and the stakes are low. When the game ends everyone continues talking, but in this situation the game ends and she's still in her own personal hell. Something that's interesting to me is how scrabble almost feels more intimate then the monthly sex that they had. Board games in my life have always been a family thing, but Offred already has a family that she was separated from, so the commander making her play scrabble seems like another way to show her the power he holds over her.  

While I'm writing about how this book makes me feel and it puts into perspective the system that Gilead has that breaks down every human aspect of the handmaids. They take away consent, free speech, self expression, and their families. Gilead takes women and robs them of their humanity. Self expression is so big in our daily lives, that I didn't realize how hard it would be to lose all of that and my family. Gilead's system seems specifically tailored to dehumanize women, so that men won't feel bad about treating them however they want. I leave this personal reflection feeling less disgusted by specific incidents, but instead the systematic dehumanization of the handmaids.  

Women's Unspoken Rules

Dinajda Dollani

Ms. Pahomov

College English

October 13, 2023

The unspoken rules between women are a concept often seen in The Handmaid’s Tale, but also in our current society. Offred remembered “the rules, rules that were never spelled out but that every woman knew: Don’t open the door to a stranger, even if he says he is the police. Make him slide his ID under the door. Don’t stop on the road to help a motorist pretending to be in trouble. Keep the locks on and keep going. If anyone whistles, don’t turn to look. Don’t go into a laundromat, by yourself, at night.”(24) In our society, women are always wary of men; carefully choosing what they wear, being aware of their surroundings constantly, and watching the way they stand or look at someone. It’s a well-known rule that women shouldn’t be out at night and always have to be accompanied by someone to go anywhere. All these rules amount to the same concept; don’t stand out and blend in with the world as if you’re just air itself. These rules are widely known but no one ever says them out loud because they are considered common sense. They are rules that are learned by women when they’re young. Many grow up being aware of their surroundings and careful of the people around them. Often women listen and watch all around them, taking in stories and experiences, and using them to establish the rules. It’s like finding pieces of a puzzle. All women share these rules, and though they are never spoken, they are all agreed upon. These unspoken rules are created in each woman’s mind in order to keep them safe. These rules are a tactic of survival, deployed by women in their daily lives to stay safe.

The Aunts in The Handmaid’s Tale use these prior worries over safety as a way to brainwash women to follow this new society. The safety concern was one way the Aunts convinced women that they should be happy with their new life in Gilead. In a way, many of those unspoken rules don’t apply anymore because of the new world. Although, this does not mean women are in a position where they don’t still need unspoken rules. In the book, it’s stated, “‘No,’ the woman says. I don’t know this woman, she wasn’t at the Center with me, though I’ve seen her, shopping. ‘But I’ll watch out for you.’ “(124) Even though the Handmaids don’t know each other, they know to quietly ask for information and keep in mind what the others wanted to know in case they can help. The Handmaids are united through common interactions and knowledge. The new situation they’re living through requires women to create new unspoken rules. This helps them survive once again, though the danger is now less physical and more mental. They use these new rules to be able to get through these new circumstances, relying on each other as much as before.

The Handmaids are able to communicate with each other and reveal their true intentions which others would not be able to grasp quite as easily. “‘I’d like to pass by the church,’ says Ofglen, as if piously. ‘All right,’ I say, though I know as well as she does what she’s really after.”(30) The Handmaids have to complete their duties in pairs so they can tell on the other if they try to rebel in any way. Offred knows that Ofglen does not actually care about the church, meaning she could easily say something to get her in trouble but she doesn’t. Instead, she acts like she’s unaware of her intention and goes along with her, giving Ofglen a chance to do something she wants. Offred understands Ofglen and decides to help her. This is another unspoken rule among women; being able to talk to each other without talking. Women decide to go out of their way to help each other, supporting one another silently, though the support is always recognized by the other. Women do this because they understand each other on a level that others can’t. “She hesitates, as if to say something more, but then she turns away and walks down the street. I watch her, She’s like my own reflection, in a mirror from which I am moving away.”(45) Offred recognizes Ofglen as a reflection of herself, seeing how similar they are even without much knowledge on each other. Many women see each other in this way. To help out another woman is to help out yourself. You understand them how you wish you were understood. You support them silently, just like you wish to be supported silently. We make these rules and we don’t speak them, for they can be understood without words.

Where Do the Unbabies Go?

I decided to focus my artwork on a brief event in chapter 8. On Offred and Ofglen walk home, a funeral of three women – an Econowife, a mourner, and her friend possibly – pass by them. “The first one is the bereaved, the mother; she carries a small black jar. From the size of the jar you can tell how old it was when it foundered, inside her, flowed to its death”[page 44]. I want to draw the jars of dead babies. I imagine it to be foggy inside the jar instead of a solid black color. I drew some texture inside the jar so it looked like particles instead of a smooth, solid black liquid.

I drew small puddles of blood to resemble death. I could only imagine how they got the dead baby out of the women. Since people of Gilead only do natural birth, I doubt they use any medication to help ease pain for the women if they were in pain before or after their birth.

I wanted to use a vibrant red color to represent the recurring red symbol in the book. “Everything except the wings around my face is red: the color of blood, which defines us” [page 8]. Red represents blood which is what makes a person. So red is in you. Why are Handmaids the only ones wearing red? The symbol of the color red is unclear but I do have many theories. Much like the theory I recently stated, Red is resembling bodies, but bodies who are capable of getting pregnant. I do think it could be an idea but I also feel as though blood has a negative connotation. The war could be a factor. I think blood on your hands (murder) is a bad thing if it is for the wrong cause. “Sometimes they’ll be there for days, until there’s a new batch, so as many people as possible will have the chance to see them.” For men to be hanged to show Gilead’s power. The murder is on Gilead, not the people who hanged them on the Wall. The bloody men on the Wall is okay but blood is to show fear or instill fear.

I drew a table in the background to show how people of Gilead don’t know where dead babies go, let alone dead people. It is an interesting concept in the book where they’re aren’t really a lot of old people in the world. I imagine it’s like leaving something on a table in your house. If someone else walks by, the person may wonder whose it is. There is a select amount to choose from. I don’t know why I thought of it like that. Pregnancy is not common and celebrated largely in Gilead. So if someone sees a black jar, there is only a select group of people who may claim the jar. So it is a process of elimination and determining the timeline to which they may figure out who the baby belongs to. This probably doesn’t make any sense but that is how I thought of it. I do hope they bury the baby but they could also repurpose it in a way (fuel..?).

Overall, I really wanted people to focus on the jars and I put Gilead right next to the jars on purpose so viewers can see what Gilead is doing to premature babies.

Lit Log #1
Lit Log #1

Lit Log #1 - Valeria Escobar

In The Handmaid’s Tale, the narrator described a scene when the Commander was reading to a group of women and all eyes were on him. “To be a man, watched by women.”, she said on page 87, as she went on questioning what was going on through his mind as he was being observed so closely by women. As a woman in the real world, this is an image that’s strange and a little uncomfortable to try and visualize. When I thought about this quote, the first image that popped up in my head was a painting done by Waldemar von Kazak called “Daily Portrait of a Woman”. It shows a group of pigs looking at a woman sitting in the subway. When I first saw this artwork, I felt a bit uncomfortable and the absence of the woman’s face made me feel like I was the one being watched. I wanted to portray this in my drawing.

While it’s the complete opposite situation, I still thought about feelings of awkwardness, fear, and uncomfortability. Offred also thought about similar feelings when trying to decipher what the Commander might’ve been feeling in that situation. “To have them thinking, He can’t do it, he won’t do, he’ll have to do, this last as if he were a garment, out of style and shoddy, which must nevertheless be put on because there’s nothing else available.” (page 87). She compared him to a garment, an object, which is never really a comparison one makes to a man. She’s putting him in her shoes. However, there’s still a very clear power dynamic between the Commander and the women that makes it hard to really understand what is going on through the Commander’s head. The Commander holds all the power over everyone else in the household. He’s looked up to, so it’s hard to think of him as feeling scared of being watched because that would mean that the women hold power over him, and that’s not the case in Gilead. In the real world, women are often observed by men in a way that belittles women and creates many negative emotions, which makes Waldemar von Kazak’s painting feel so familiar.

I have a clear understanding of what being watched by men feels like. I know the sort of feelings it creates, but what does it mean when it’s a man that’s being watched? I couldn’t draw a face for him because I don’t know what he’s truly feeling, but I wanted to see if the women I drew created a different feeling than the feeling I got from seeing the pigs in Waldemar von Kazak’s painting. I also chose to only use the color red because red is a harsh and intimidating color. Gilead is plain and colorless, and still, the Handmaids wear this color that sticks out and catches attention. Trying to visualize what the Commander could actually see, the color red and the faces of the women were the two things that were clear in my head so these were the things I chose to show in my drawing.

Screenshot 2023-10-13 2.22.08 PM
Screenshot 2023-10-13 2.22.08 PM
Link to “Daily Portrait of a Woman”

The chords of freedom and imprisonment

-Shepherd of This Flock by JT Music

In the book, “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood we get introduced to Gilead, a very authoritative religious society. Like many authoritative societies, people are made into symbols. Those that don’t adhere to the social conditioning are executed and used as a symbol to all those who dare step out of line. This is no more apparent than on page 33, as our main character Offred stares at the bodies of the people deemed rebellious by the nation, “These men, we’ve been told, are like war criminals. It’s no excuse that what they did was legal at the time: their crimes are retroactive. They have committed atrocities and must be made into examples, for the rest. “ This idea of punishing sinners to wake up God’s children, is a main theme in the song, “Shepherd of This Flock” by JT Music. The song revolves around a cult religious group taking over a small town, and the chorus alludes to the group’s main ideology:

“The nonbelievers sowed their seeds and all they’ll reap is flames Judgment’s coming, and my God will set me free from chains Make your confessions, pay your penance, in my sweet embrace I’ll shake my people from their sleep, so they can see his grace”

-Time in a bottle by Jim Croce

As we know, living in Gilead can be oppressive to the mind. People are no longer people, but ranks and cogs in a larger machine. Offred mentions this numerous times throughout the book, on how she doesn’t feel as much as she used to, the keyword is ‘used to ‘. She keeps herself sane by living out her past life and romance with Luke in the chambers of her mind. On page 97 we see her hunger for his love, “I want Luke here so badly. I want to be held and told my name. I want to be valued, in ways that I am not;” By remembering him, she can once again feel human. Time in a bottle connects back to reminiscing past love, and wishing for life to have been different. She uses these memories as a way of escaping, thinking of something that is entirely human:

“If I could make days last forever If words could make wishes come true I’d save every day like a treasure, and then Again, I would spend them with you”

-Digital Silence by Peter McPoland

The news plays an important role in Gilead. It’s a glimpse into the outside world, even if fabricated or completely false, it’s a refreshing sight. Unsurprisingly, the news is used as another propaganda tool by the higher ups in the government. The news anchor tries deluding the people watching that everything is under control, on page 83, “What he’s telling us, his level smile implies, is for our own good.”- “You must go to sleep, like good children.” They are trying to delude the people into believing their brand of truth. In the song the lyrics are trying to wake the masses up to show them that the media is not their friend. That you are being tricked into believing the lies you’ve been fed.

“Why don’t you get it? Can’t you get it? Understand They’re gonna execute the mother to elevate the man They’re gonna propagate the killer, eliminate the youth”

-Cherry Bomb by The Runaways

A major theme in the book is complacency in the system. Many of the women in Gilead no longer fight back on the gender roles and situations they are put into. Gilead was successful in making women too scared to even think about escaping, all except Moira. Ever since we were introduced to her at the red center, we know there’s something different about her. She wears a lot of punk rock clothes and had seemingly escaped the first round of capture. After that she continues to openly defy the Aunts. This results in beatings like on page 91 “Afterwards she could not walk for a week, her feet would not fit into her shoes, they were too swollen.” This all culminated to her escaping the society. The song Cherry Bomb, encaptures her defiance of the expectations laid out by the system. In this, she is one if not the only woman, who escapes the machine.

“Hello, daddy, hello, mom I’m your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb Hello world I’m your wild girl I’m your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb”

-My War by Shinsei Kamattechan

This whole book is based on real life events, and thinking through the lens of ‘what if?’ We find out that Gilead is a future version of America on page 4, “and army-issue blankets, old ones that still said U.S.” In real life there’s a real fear in the religious right, and that fear is not unfounded. There are certain policies and overturnings such as Roe V Wade, that could be explained by the growing influence of Christian Conservatism in American politics. However in this book it turned over into an actual war. The rights of the public are stripped away, and children, especially poc children such as on page 83, “Resettlement of the Children of Ham is continuing on schedule,” are being taken and segregated. This relates to the song’s pre-chorus, which talks about angels or people who are supposed to be righteous subjecting the people with devilish intent. The christian conservatives see themselves as in the right but are not doing the people right. As a result the children and the future of the generation are suffering the consequences of war:

“Angels playing disguised with devil’s faces Children cling to their coins squeezing out their wisdom Angels planning disguised with devil’s faces Children cling on to their very last coins”

"Her fault"

As the maids stand in a circle, they point and blame Janine for being what would be known as unwomen. This is after she openly talked about how she was raped at fourteen, giving her an unwanted pregnancy which led her to have an abortion, something that was her full right. In the society of Gilead, pregnancies are sacred, if either the mom (maid) wants it or not. This secret which was told by Janine herself, brought her a sort of consequence. As she kneeled down, with her hands behind her back Martha could see. Everyone surrounds her and starts to chant, “Her fault” as they all point at her. “Last week, Janine burst into tears. Aunt Helena made her kneel at the front of the classroom. Hands behind her back, where we could all see her, her red face and dripping nose. Her hair was dull blond, her eyelashes so light they seemed not there, the lost eyelashes of someone who’d been in a fire. Burned eyes. She looked disgusting: weak, squirmy, blotchy, pink, like a newborn mouse. None of us wanted to look like, ever. For a moment, even though we knew what was being done to her, we despised her” (Pg.72) This scene demonstrates and shows a lot about what the book is all about. Women mentally abusing women, women being controlled by a society that denies their right to their bodies, and shames them if they oppose this new society’s ideologies. But no one is to blame these maids who shame Janine because they have been shamed/scared in order to follow the established beliefs, of being objects to give birth to children. For my first Lit log, I demonstrated this scene, in order to show the visual representation of how Janine would have looked and felt. In my drawing, she kneels down in front of six maids all pointing at her with their red long dresses that cover every inch of their bodies. Whitecaps cover their heads and eyes. I shade the sides of the paper in dark and in a triangle shape leaving blank up into where Janine is kneeling. This is to demonstrate the attention that she is being given. But not the good type of attention, the one where she is being stared at and it makes her feel uncomfortable around all the maids, chanting at her about how she’s a crybaby. As well as the shading of the drawing, the maid’s dress color is more light red, meanwhile Jenina is bright red in order to show her apart from the others. To put her in the spotlight of the drawing, her hands can also be seen behind her, giving the viewer perspective of her hands, in a way we are the ones who see how she’s helpless. It’s a cycle of fear, Janine is humiliated, scared, meanwhile as Aunt Lydia states in the passage. “ You are an example”, an example to all the other women to not go against the beliefs. Especially when it comes to abortion, where the punishment is death, for both the maid and the doctor who decides to help. The maids will know not to commit the same “crime” or they will have to face a punishment.


Who's In The bathroom


This piece is of the scene in chapter 13, of the bathroom stalls with Moira and Offred. The two of them go into stalls next to each other so they can speak to one another. This scene represents the only safe place at the school where the maids could talk with each other. Without the Aunts hearing in on the conversations. They spent their time there to just be able to talk. With these stalls being one of the only places they could connect; through a small hole in the wall of the two bathroom stalls, a relic of the past. Offred mentions this on (pg.73) “In the wood there’s a small hole, at the back, next to the wall, about waist height, souvenir of some previous vandalism or legacy of an ancient voyeur.” This small hole in the wall is the only reason they were able to connect so I made it the center of the drawing. Though the stalls are next to each other in the book I wanted to put them side to side to be able to see the characters.

There is a slight yellow background since the bathroom is white enamel with yellow stains. To the right is Offred in her red maid outfit waiting in the stall while Moria sits on the stall to the left. Since this place used to be a boys bathroom and the urinals were left there I decided to put one inside the drawing as well. I put a shower in the background of the drawing to show what brought the idea of why Offred thinks why women don’t have to have to prove they are women to one another. Offred exclaims this on,(pg.73) “Why don’t women have to prove to one another that they are women?”. For the same reason in Offred’s thoughts there is a small blue badge with a “W” in it to represent the badge for women.

There are other thoughts going through their minds where Offred is thinking how she needs a cigarette, and Moira is thinking of these random letters to represent how she thinks the school and the people here are loony and are in a loony bin. There is a small symbol in the top right of a ear being crossed out to represent that the Aunts cannot hear them in here and they are able to talk freely. To the top there are windows, one covered with bars and one without. The window with bars represents how Moria sees this place and the other represents how Offred sees the school. Moria sees the school as a prison where she is locked in, while Offred doesn’t see it the same way as Moria so her window has no bars.

To the far left of the drawing next to Moria’s stall there is an imprint of where the mirrors that used to be bathroom used to be. I drew the mirror in the fashion to also represent how Offred saw it as a baby coffin. Though Moira has already lost her clothes and should be wearing the red dress I decided to dress her in the clothes she was wearing when she came in and would usually wear because she does not see this dress as herself and is constantly fighting back against it.

An Almost In-Depth Comparison of Gilead to Mormonism

You sit at home; relaxing and watching the television, or something of the such, but then you hear a knock on the door. You stand up and walk to the door and peer through the peephole and see two men. They are well dressed in a white short-sleeved button up with a small black name tag with golden lettering, in their hands are a black leather-bound book which also has golden letters debossed into it. You sigh and open the door slightly ajar and one of the men steps forward; with a grin on his face he says, “Would you like to hear about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ?” This is a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, better known as the Mormon Church.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a fringe sect of Christianity bordering on a cult, it has around 17 million members world-wide, with 6 million members in the US alone. To a majority of people Mormons are just the butt of jokes, be it in performances like the Book of Mormon, or in the many episodes of TV shows that poke fun at them. And much of the Mormon ‘religion’ can be quite humorous from the outside but beneath the strange exterior and the kind-hearted missionaries is a much darker reality. A reality that those who have lived, and are living through know very well. One of the most important things to Mormons is family, to Momons having a family is a status symbol. In Mormon culture the mere act of having a child is pious and ‘saintly,’ to have a family is righteous, the children themselves and how they are treated come second. This view of family further bleeds into the view of women themselves in Mormonism. WIthin the church a lot of people view women as just potential wives/mothers and nothing more, this has also led to women view themselves in this light.

Within The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood the society of Gilead views on family and women in a way very akin to Mormonism. Within the dystopian society of Gilead many women are viewed as nothing more than just a vessel to have children; objects to be used. This is particularly true for the handmaids as their primary usage in Gilead is to be surrogate mothers. Throughout the book a particular quote from the Bible is repeated and is used as almost a motto for the handmaids, “Give me children, or else I die.” To the handmaids this passage is far more true than one would expect. If a handmaid can’t have children they are sent to the elusive colonies; on page 61 Offred states, “He could fake the tests, report me for cancer, for infertility, have me shipped off to the Colonies.” Both the reader and Offred know very little about these Colonies but for all intents and purposes and in the eyes of the handmaid’s it is like dying and you are sent there if you cannot have children. While this is a more extreme viewpoint then most Mormons there are Fundamentalist Mormons where this perspective on the role of women is more close to their own.

As stated before, bearing a child is somewhat of a status symbol in Mormon culture. If you have children or if you or your spouse is pregnant you are treated with more respect and dignity. If you do not or are not planning on having children, especially if you are a younger person (18-25), church members will tend to think lower of you and will most definitely talk behind your back. In Gilead it is much the same, though as per usual in a much more extreme manner. Women who are pregnant tend to be looked upon in a better light or even with jealousy by other handmaids. On page 26 it says, “One of them is vastly pregnant; […]. There is a shifting in the room, a murmur, an escape of breath; despite ourselves we turn our heads, blatantly, to see better; […]. She’s a magic presence to us, an object of envy and desire, we covet her. She’s a flag on a hilltop,” Because she was pregnant she was deemed as better and a symbol of what could be done. Having children in this world is the most important thing she can do, it is the primary function of women in the eyes of Gilead.

From the outside the Mormon religion and church is a kind of mysterious yet funny group of people. They seem innocent and kind enough, but dig a little deeper and there is a more grim truth. If you look online you’ll see many stories of how and why people have left the church. The fundamental beliefs of Mormonism are based around sexist and misogynistic ideas. It is okay to laugh at the funny aspects of Mormonism but it is also important to remember that there are people suffering within it. The Handmaid’s Tale is a cautionary tale of what absolute religious power could bring and I am confident if the LDS Church was in that position it would be not too dissimilar to Gilead.

LiT Log 1

                 Patience - Guns N’ Roses 

I feel like this song is the embodiment of Offred’s heart and soul as she looks out and wonders for Luke’s well being. But then there is the ever longing thought of if she can barely live like this not even knowing or having any attachment to the commander or Serena Joy. But with patience we as both the reader and her as the main protagonist have to have patience as she builds up her resistance for her chance at power. On pg 122. She touches on this with her words being “I want everything back, the way it was. But there is no point to it, this is what I want.” She is alone in her new life as she has been rewired and made to think differently in this society that is meant to only keep her down. In the song “Patience” they get the message across that you merely need to have patience even in the hard times. The harmonious melody and soulful lyrics of “Patience” evoke the feelings of nostalgia, longing, and hope. The three feelings that race her mind in the book with her having many flashbacks such as her escaping, her life before being handmaid and Luke. Longing represents the everlasting effect she causes as she looks for something bigger and better than Gilead and it’s important because doesn’t communicate these desires at all. It’s unsimple as she meant concealing and can’t get these feelings off as she puts on a fake smile. But then there is hope instilled in her as she feels this as if dim light is flickering the dark waiting to be turned on. With her seemingly getting on the Commander’s good side as they play, scrabble and indulge in meetings more often than not creating the hope that one by one Gilead can be freed from the shackles of men. But first there must be patience as she perceives it coming as she deals with these emotions head on.

               Helmet - Steve Lacy 

Steve lacy creates the heartbreak anthem as he is expressing his frustration and dissatisfaction in a relationship that isn’t fulfilling them. “But who can remember pain, once it’s over? All that remains of it is a shadow, not in the mind even, in the flesh. Pain marks you, but too deep to see. Out of sight, out of mind. “Being used as an animal in the story she wants to let go of her life in Gilead as she is stuck there without a choice. They realize they need to be true to themselves and let go of their partner. Despite the rewiring efforts to change her, she often remembers and comes to the realization that she will never get over him as she is presented with a new lover. In the song we get to see Steve Lacy go back and forth with these thoughts as he sings “You just gotta let me go as I’m tryna let go of you.” This verse is a representation of the emotions felt as it’s just her vs her fighting a mental battle as she tries to mix the old with the new.

              La Vida Es Fria - Josh Joshua  

Les via es Fria is the perfect song to fit the whole identity of Offred and her search for why the world is so cold. In her world Luke was still her lover and her child was still in her arms as it looked upon the sky but in this new world there’s no more Luke and there’s no more her baby as her life has been Stripped Away and she’s been rewired. With the song la Vida is Fria we get a longing lover still searching for the answers to why the world is so cold but as no one wants to work it out he is left stuck still yearning for love that is gone. As in the chapters that go on and on and on about her flashbacks and her Nostalgia trips the memories relay of her being happy and as her life in Gilead progresses she still wants something that is going and that’s something that makes her whole. In the song Jason Joshua sings “La vida es fria, Her heart is turned to stone, Nobody wants to stay together, Nobody wants to make it better.” As he sings these lyrics we can compare what life is like in Gilead to the lyrics in “La Vida Es Fria.” In Chapter 23 we see Maybe none of this is about control. Maybe it isn’t really about who can own whom, who can do what to whom and get away with it, even as far as death. All the more as she recognizes the years of pain she has endured she still knows of the situation she is currently living in and that’s what makes her Fria to.

                  Somebody To Love - Queen

This song is quite the build up as a damaged, depressed and ultimately longing for love Freddie Mercury is leaving his sorrows. With the change of seasons and the book heading into the spring we will get with it spring weather. Cloudy, Rainy and most importantly the sun. For instance, Freddie finds himself experiencing dread when he wakes up in the morning and indeed can barely stand beholding his own image in the mirror just as Offred can’t either. With that triple threat we get Offred’s coming out party as she wallows from the depressed rains and eventually into the loving arms of the commander as she looks to create a power struggle. With her planting her seeds in the love triangle between herself, Serena Joy and the Commander it’s not like they’re going to get along better. So this is how Offred is embodied through the song ‘Somebody to Love” as it says,” They say I’m going crazy. They say I got a lot of water in my brain. I have no common sense. (He’s got.) I got nobody left.” As Offred is always in her own mind she’s in the Maze of Gilead as she doesn’t have any control over her own focus. As in chapter the seasons changing is touched on perfectly described as it reads “I once had a garden. I can remember the smell of the turned earth, the plump shapes of bulbs held in the hands, fullness, the dry rustle of seeds through the fingers.” We get this glimpse of her control being lost. Evans, she doesn’t have her original lover she still wants someone who is looking for love as she is not her own “self,”

               Wolves/Frank’s Track - Kanye West 

In this song, Kanye explores the complexities of human relationships and the raw emotions that come with them. “The Republic Of Gilead ” dapple with politics & godly traditions being the driving force for its success. As the melodic tune about love and loss makes the listener question what makes emotional attachment so important for a lover? Just as the Handmaid’s Tale brings up love and loss constantly as characters have scars of fear, hope, and love. A quote about the times being in love is expressed through this quote as it reads,”We thought we had such problems. How did we know we were happy?”As Offred and Kanye West don’t get to reminisce on what certain moments could have been or would have been as they look to the past to get something that is never coming back. Lines such as “Lost and found out” and “Cause I know God’s got us in for a greater plan” speak to a sense of resilience and hope in the face of adversity. Donda was Knaye’s Mother, and losing her was devastating to him as he was never the same and he can’t seem to forget the pain nor the loss of his mother.

The Dark Room

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Screenshot 2023-10-13 130826

In Margaret Atwood’s novel “The Handmaid’s Tale,” the term “Red Center” refers to a facility where women are trained and indoctrinated to become Handmaids in the Republic of Gilead. Gilead is a society in which a regime has overthrown the United States government. The regime is based on a strict interpretation of religious texts and enforces an overall rule where women have very limited rights and are assigned specific roles. We can see this in the first chapter of the book when the women are limited to talking to one another and will do anything to break the system. I drew this drawing since I wanted to capture the overall aspect of being trapped in a loop and the setting that I drew consists of the gym the reader gets introduced to and all the beds that take up the space. This space was once a gym for students and since the beds take up the space it no longer looks like a gym but more like a prison. The eye on the wall symbolizes the overall people in power that are above the handmaids that watch over them.The red dots leading away from the bed are footsteps of the main character trying to be different and leaving this so called loop. When I drew this I wanted to get the whole setting in the final aspect so i used shading by my hands and also other paper. This shading aspect makes the room look dark and sucludede which the reader can find out about early on in the book that the gym is dark and gloomy. When drawing the red dots I wanted to make the whole art piece black and white so that the eye and the red dots(footprints) stood out towards the people who saw it. The place in the book is a training facility for the Handmaids, women who are valued only for their fertility. Women are subjected to intense indoctrination, both physical and psychological. They are trained to accept their roles as Handmaids, stripped of their previous identities, names, and personal possessions. This ideal form the book is shown in my art since everyone has the same bed and is stuck in the same room that could be called a prison.This place symbolizes the systematic dehumanization and control of women in the society of Gilead. It illustrates the harsh methods the regime employs to suppress any form of dissent and maintain control over women’s bodies and reproductive capabilities. The experiences that these handmaids go through serve as a traumatic foundation for them, shaping their submission and compliance with the oppressive regime.