Edward Abbott Public Feed
A Day In The Life : Austria
Kids who live in austria have pretty similar lives to those of the U.S.. They get up in the morning and do the daily morning rituals. Well for some of us that is. That includes waking up to brush their teeth, fixing themselves up in the mirror, then putting clothes on and gearing up for the day. They then partake in eating breakfast which consists of usual breakfast things like cereal or toast, eggs, Oj, and bacon. Afterwards they grab there backpacks and they head for the bus stop. They travel to school and their school day officially begins. After classes until about 3 they make their ways home. Thats when the real fun begins. (:. They watch TV, play games, and get into child like stuff. Of course this all happens after homework is done. Then they have diner with the family. Finally here comes bedtime. After a good nights rest they get up and do it all over again.
Doing research on how the kids live in Austria it didn't really surprise me how similar there daily lives as a child were to ours. When I was there age my life was pretty bland, well not bland but expected. The whole daily routine thing, and since I didn't go out like I do now it was really a routine thing. Being 40 in Austria I feel like there life would be pretty chill. They don't give off the hint that you need to be extra this to have this kind of job or anything.
Getting A Restraining Order
The paperwork for getting a Restraining Order really wasn't a lot. The bulk of the work had to be filled out by a court hearing. The most tedious part on there was having to fill out the paper work part for the kids if you have more then 5. Also when they ask for a description of the person your getting the order against, not that its weird but knowing there height, eye color, and weight seems a bit much.
If I could change one thing on my flow chart I would want it to be more complicated. Sometimes i feel like the more complicated things are it makes the subject more interesting.
I think this process has become as complicated as it is because anybody can get in trouble for any little thing. So making sure that they are not liable for anything they will cover each and every crack they can.
The only problem I had was locating a Philadelphia Restraining Order.