Jamelia Barrett Public Feed
Jamelia Barrett
Name: Jamelia Barrett
Mentor/Advisor: Mr Herman
My Capstone island life and culture.
My capstone entails the history of two Caribbean island and a multicultural food fest. In the beginning of the school year I knew I wanted to do something with history and culture. I was originally want to do my own history and culture. I got advise from my mentor Mr herman and I decided to broaden my search and add another island. I have created a website that hold all the research I did for the two caribbean islands . As for the Multicultural food fest I partnered up with a fellow classmate since our capstone topic was along the same line and we did a event. Food is what brings us together sometime. So what better was to share a piece of history and culture with the SLA community. We show cased many different cultural dishes . This was learning experienced for me. I saw some of the dishes that were basically the same as my own cultural dishes but cooked differently . This the same for the history of most of the caribbean islands. They all had some things in common like Columbus stumbling up on the island and saying he discovered it when obviously there was indigenous people like Tanios were living there long before he arrived. The countries being apart of the caricom community. Music as well , reggae-ton is formed from reggae. I can now come to the conclusion that our history and culture crosses part wether its in big way such as being colonized by spaniard or britain or small way such as music and food.
Link to my website click hereCitations :
http://www.webster-dictionary.net/definition/Culture Wesbter, Noah. "Culture." - Definition of by Webster Dictionary. Interapple, Inc. Cover, 2009. Web. 30 Jan. 2013 This helped me with one of the formal definition of what is the meaning of culture. this would be used in my video to show that there are many different meaning to culture but they all have at least one similarity.
http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/culture Oxford University Press, Judy Pearsall, Glynnis Glynnis, Darren Smith, John List, Richard Holden, Pete Whitelock, Heuboeck Heuboeck, and Malie Malie Lalor. "Culture." Definition of (British & World English). Oxford University Press, 2013. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.
This helped me with one of the formal definition of what is the meaning of culture. this would be used in my video to show that there are many different meaning to culture but they all have at least one similarity.
http://tru.uni-sz.bg/tsj/vol3No8_1/A.Koleva.pdf KUMAR, BHARAT. "Define Culture and Discuss Its Features." Define Culture and Discuss Its Features. Preserve Articles, 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.This website gave me some insight on what are the components of culture and how Culture varies from Society to Society, Culture provides proper opportunities,Culture is Dynamic and Adaptive,Culture is Consistent and Interconnected meaning they are link in some ways to another and it passed down from generation to generation, Culture is Continuous process that grows historically, how culture can be transmitted to the next generation.
http://faculty-gsb.stanford.edu/lazear/personal/PDFs/culture%20and%20language.pdf Lazear, Edward P. "Culture and Language." Culture and Language. N.p., Dec. 1997. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.This pdf help with the language part of culture. it help me to because stated that language is important part of culture and this is what allows us to communicate. language is important and how over the process of immigration in 1990 the immigrants wanted to preserve their culture so the speak their native language but as time goes by this changes where the immigrant come to the use speaking english instead of native language.
http://dept.sfcollege.edu/ruralalliance/docs/Cultural%20Awareness%20Learning%20Module%20One.pdf "Cultural Awareness." N.p., n.d. Web. References Axelson, J.A. (1999). Counseling and development in a multicultural society. Monterey, Brooks/Cole. Carr-Ruffino, N.C. (2002). Managing diversity. People skills for a multicultural workplace (5 th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing Cornell, S. (1998). Ethnicity and race: Making identities in a changing world. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Cox, T. Jr. (1994). Cultural diversity in organizations: Theory, Research and Practice. San Francisco, CA.: Berrett-Koehler Publisher, Inc. Gay, G. (2000). Culturally responsive teaching: theory, research & practice. New York: Teachers College Press. Kottak, C.P. & Kozaitis, K.A. (2003). On being different. Diversity and multiculturalism In North American mainstream. New York: McGraw Hill Sue, D. W. & Sue, D. (2003). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (4 h Ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary (1974), Massachusetts, G. & C. Merriam Co. this help me with definitions that were associated with culture and question I could ask when I interview the people for my video.
Puerto Rico." Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States. 2007. Encyclopedia.com. 31 Jan. 2013<http://www.encyclopedia.com>. http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Puerto_Rico.aspx#1-1G2:2661700067-full. This website help me with the history of puerto rico, origin, political parties
, transportation, traditions , sports,agricultural feature for example mining etc, legal holiday ethnic groups , climate religion economic status. this has a lot of useful information where i can do further research into each sub topic. it good website with useful detail information about the seal , the local government. also the life of the first settler the the Taino, also of Arawak origin which were also the first settler of jamaica and other caribbean countries.
"Antigua and Barbuda." Worldmark Encyclopedia of Nations. 2007. Encyclopedia.com. 31 Jan. 2013<http://www.encyclopedia.com>. ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA LOCATION, SIZE, AND EXTENT , TOPOGRAPHY, CLIMATE, FLORA AND FAUNA this is the difference plantation the country has and the indigenous fruits they have, the population size,different ethnic groups,Language they speak, the different religions, political parties,judicial systems and a lot more information about antigua culture which would help me in my research to find out about this country and culture and to share my finding with other people.
"Antigua and Barbuda / Antigua's History and Culture." Antigua and Barbuda / Antigua's History and Culture. InterKnowledge Corp., New York, NY., 1996-2006. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. <http://www.antigua-barbuda.org/aghis01.htm>.
This website mainly dealt with the history of Antigua. it talk about when the country got emancipation, A day in 1684, of Sir Christopher Codrington came to island to see if they were interested in sugar cultivation. it talks about the first settlers which are the tianos which was also puerto rico's first settler.
Countries and Their Cultures." Culture of Antigua And Barbuda. Advameg, Inc., 2013. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. <http://www.everyculture.com/A-Bo/Antigua-And-Barbuda.html>.
Davis, Gregson. Antigua Black, 1973. Gaspar, David Barry. Bondmen and Rebels, 1985. Henry, Paget. Peripheral Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Antigua, 1985. Kincaid, Jamaica. Annie John, 1985. ——. A Small Place, 1988. Langhan, Mrs. Antigua and Antiguans, 1844. Olaoye, Elaine. Passion of the Soul, 1998. Oliver, V. The History of the Island of Antigua, 1894. Prince, Ralf. Jewels of the Sun, 1979. Richards, Novelle. The Struggle and the Conquest, 1967. ——. The Twilight Hour, 1971. Smith, Keithlyn. No Essay Pushover, 1994. Tongue, Gwen. Cooking Antigua's Food, 1973. —PAGET HENRY ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA LOCATION, SIZE, AND EXTENT , TOPOGRAPHY, CLIMATE, FLORA AND FAUNA this is the difference plantation the country has and the indigenous fruits they have, the population size,different ethnic groups,Language they speak, the different religions, political parties,judicial systems and a lot more information about antigua culture which would help me in my research to find out about this country and culture and to share my finding with other people.
Communitrip. "Antigua and Barbuda Culture." Sitewide ATOM. Communitrip, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. <http://www.communitrip.com/antigua_and_barbuda/culture.html>. this was one of the first website that i look on when searching for information on antiguan culture. this what help me to search for specific things about the country like religion language and etc
Plummer, Brenda Gayle. "African Americans." Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy. 2002. Retrieved February 01, 2013 from Encyclopedia.com: http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3402300011.html his was one of the first website that I look on when searching for information on african american culture. this what help me to search for specific things about the culture. it gave me synopsis of major event in african american history.
"African Americans." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 2008. Encyclopedia.com. (February 1, 2013). http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3045300033.html Refences from the site America, Richard, ed. 1990. The Wealth of Races: The Present Value of Benefits from Past Injustices. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Baugh, John. 1991. The Politicization of Changing Terms of Self Reference Among American Slave Descendants. American Speech 66 (2): 133-146.
Borjas, George. 2003. The Labor Demand Curve Is Downward Sloping: Reexamining the Impact of Immigration on the Labor Market. Quarterly Journal of Economics 118 (4): 1335-1374.
Conrad, Cecilia, John Whitehead, Patrick Mason, and James Stewart, eds. 2005. African Americans in the U.S. Economy. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Darity, William, Jr., Patrick Mason, and James Stewart. 2006. The Economics of Identity: The Origin and Persistence of Racial Norms. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 60 (3): 283-305.
Fogel, Robert. 1989. Without Consent or Contract: The Rise and Fall of American Slavery. New York: Norton.
Hughes, Emmet. 1956. The Negro’s New Economic Life. Fortune (September): 127-131.
Jacobson, Louis, Robert LaLonde, and David Sullivan. 1993. The Costs of Worker Dislocation. Kalamazoo, MI: Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.
Keith, Verna, and Cedric Herring. 1991. Skin Tone and Stratification in the Black Community. American Journal of Sociology 97 (3): 760-778.
Locke, Alain. 1925. Enter the New Negro. Survey Graphic Harlem 6 (6) (March): 631-634.
Office of Immigration Statistics, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. 2004. 2003 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Editions from 1975 to 2003 available online at http://uscis.gov/graphics/shared/aboutus/statistics/ybpage.htm.
Smitherman, Geneva. 1991. What Is Africa to Me?: Language, Ideology, and African American. American Speech 66 (2): 115-132.
Stewart, James. 1977. Historical Patterns of Black-White Political Economic Inequality in the United States and the Republic of South Africa. Review of Black Political Economy 7 (3): 266-295.
Stewart, James. 2004. Globalization, Cities, and Racial Inequality at the Dawn of the 21st Century. Review of Black Political Economy 31 (3): 11-32.
Trotter, Joe, Jr. 2001. The African American Experience. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
James B. Stewart. This website thelped when searching for information on african american culture. this what help me to search for specific things about the culture. it gave me synopsis of major event in african american history from slavery , cold war , jim crow laws. This will help me in the timeline for invent that went down in african american history.
Asante, Molefi. "African Americans." Encyclopedia of World Cultures. 1996. Encyclopedia.com. 1 Feb. 2013<http://www.encyclopedia.com>. This website help me with the history african american, origin, political parties , transportation, traditions , ethnic groups ,religion economic status. this has a lot of useful information where i can do further research into each sub topic. it good website with useful detail information about The impact of the African American language on American society.
"African Americans." Dictionary of American History. 2003. Encyclopedia.com. 1 Feb. 2013<http://www.encyclopedia.com>. This website help me with the history african american, origin, political parties , transportation, traditions , ethnic groups ,religion economic status. this has a lot of useful information where i can do further research into each sub topic. it good website with useful detail information about the civil right movement ,the great depression emancipation etc
http://jamaicas-info.weebly.com/ this was a project I did on jamaica and this will help me with the culture and history of jamaica. the economy local government the first settles etc
Q3 Un Cuento de un cuerdo Daniela y Blanca
Daniela Barrett Proyecto de "Quien Eres Tu"
CELLS Jamelia Barrett
La Casa Señor Sanchez( Alexsis y Jamelia)
La casa de Juan hay uno pisos, el garaje, la piscina y nurseries para niños. La casa esta en California en la playa. La casa es perfecto para un par preparar para una vida juntos. Tenemos un diseño para Juan y su novia que es simple. Hay colores vibrantes, es pequeño y moderna.
Jamaican Culture
Las Cazuelas
Introducción On tuesday las cazuelas catered us to a luncheon.This was a very nice experience .The last unit we did was with food etiquette.Also we have seen picture of poblanna food and practice our spanish.This was our chance to exprience poblanna dishes.
Nombre del plato Sope de Maiz
opiníon : me gusteria sopes de maiz si lo recomendounos ingrident frijoles
Opinión Tacos es mi favorita porque primera vez que se intena
Unos Ingredientes los ingredients es solamente pollo con sauce .
Opinión : Mi gusta
Unos Ingredientes: tres leches ,pastel de vainilla
Comentarios: si lo recomiendo
Tiene un corro delante el garaje.
Hay una parrilla en el jardin.
Hay una mujer en la puerta .
Tiene un sótano.
El jardin es muy grande.
Hay un sofá.
A dieta Jamelia y Melanie
Almuerzo | |
lunes | 2 hamburguesas, pollo frito, papas fritas, 1 raman, macarrones con queso |
martes | un plato de nachos y dos rebanadas de pizza con una coca-cola |
miércoles | 9 de pollo a la, la pasta de queso, fresco Sprite, Pringles |
jueves | carne con queso, papas fritas francés, pepsi |
viernes | Bar BQ pollo, pan de maíz, barbacoa costillas y té helado Arizona |
sabado | camarones arroz frito pollo y sésamo Egg Roll |
domingo | un pequeño tazón de sopa de pollo, dos piezas de pollo frito y un lado de puré de patatas |
Structure & function
What is Structure and Function.
Function and structure are related,
because of a certain structure a living thing make contain makes the object
function the way it does. The are a lot of structural future in humans, plants,
animal and all living things. The relationship of a structure and function is
the structuring levels from molecules to organism ensure successful functioning
in all living organism and living system. Note one structure can have multiple
function.From my under standing structure and function can be broken down in to several part like chemical level which deal with atoms proton etc as the structure and what they do is the function.
of Living Things
Living things are placed into groups based on both structural and
functional similarities. For example, bacteria are prokaryotic cells,
which means they lack a true nucleus. These are structural characteristics. A functional characteristic which defines bacteria is that they
reproduce by binary fission. Plant cells are structurally different to
other cells because they contain a large central vacuole and plastids such as
chloroplasts. These structural features also support a plant’s function,
since the presence of chloroplasts allows the plant to carry out photosynthesisExample
of a structure and function:
acids structure directly affects its function. It’s a lock and key method that
cannot work unless the structure fit together. When they fit they can carry out
the function of speeding up a chemical process.
- Chemical level – the structure of
molecules determines the properties of substances, which, in turn, determine
their functions. For example, the chemical structure of metals allows them
to conduct electricity, which makes metals useful as conductors
Cellular level – the structure of
cells is linked to their function. For example, lung cells are very thin,
which allows gases to diffuse easily through the cells.
Photosynthesis is the process where plant cells use sunlight energy to produce glucose and oxygen. The opposite process to this is cellular
DNA replication is a biological process that occurs in all living
organisms and copies their DNA; it is the basis for biological inheritance
Practice Question
For this question we know that cellular respiration
The process of cell in which cells turn food into
usable energy in the form of ATP. We know we consume oxygen and
then release carbon dioxide. Looking on the option a only part it true .We
consume energy, but we don’t absorb energy we use our stored energy. B is no
right at all we don’t produce oxygen. C is the correct answer we consume oxygen
and release energy. D is like B so it wrong also.
Secreto ÉL BUHO
Child Abuse
I choose the topic
child abuse because I thought it an issue that is important but pushed aside.
So for this project my group divided the work process and we decided to make a
website. I was assign to do the statistics. First I started to do my research
on child abuse. As I start the was a lot of information on child abuse and I
wasn’t sure where to start digging for information that would make our project
stand out and would have fact that was collected by reliable sources.
I went through and I checked the
different websites that I thought would be useful. I came upon one website that
was called U.S Department of Heath and Human Service Administrator for Children and & Family. The
website have a lot of database that was very useful. For example the have pie
chart PDF. They also had information on adoption, how many cases where
reported. These database and research dates back to 1995. This website provide
national data on adoption, foster care, child abuse and neglect and child
welfare. I would recommend this website to and
one who wants information on child abuse. I have went trough most the PDF and
information on this website to find information on our topic. So I choose to do
child abuse in the last four years. Researching on the statics of
child abuse helped to bring cross our topic and give more meaning to the
We used the statics to
emphasize that the child abuse is still happening. We hoped this caught the audience’s
attention. First our audience was supposed to be the DHS but we didn’t know how
to create the project that it wouldn’t be offensive. There is a chance it would
be a big issue if we take on the DHS and say they aren’t doing their work,
after we are teenagers. So we change our audience to the parents and the public
in general. Toni put the website together with the information we all had put
in. I found a website counter that worked so we could see how many people
viewed our website. Then for the promoting part of our picture we all went on
Twitter and promoted our website. Now over a thousand people view our website.
I went on Facebook and promoted some more and there was a lot of responses form
a lot of people. So the website counter one of the way that we used to measured
our success. Our website was published this we and has more that a thousand
views. Also the comment I got from the people on Facebook was great, they appreciate
the information that was produce and the think that child abuse is important. One
challenge that a few times there was a couple absences and we did get to use
the time wisely, the rest of the group that was there came together and worked
to finished the project. I think our campaign was successful.
Phenomenal Women Jamelia Barrett Loren Jenkins
Why we chose this topic:
My partner and I didn’t know where to start at first with this project.
Honestly, we had a hard time choosing something that would keep our interest,
and we wanted a topic that wouldn’t bore us. When our teacher introduced us to some
ideas it came upon that the WCTU known as the Woman Christian Temperance Union
has caught our eye. Finding information wasn’t hard, and it was quick to find
things that were interesting, which had motivated us to learn and do more on
this project. In the process we learned that the WCTU was on one of the first
all woman Christian alliance that was against the usage and founding of
How I conducted my research: First we did a
research on the WCTU and how the organization works, also we looked on the
motifs and believe and value. And what are some of the thing they have done
that had made a change in our history. Then while doing the research on the
WCTU we found out that during the 1920 the fought to get alcohol illegal. And
we also realize that this era was called the Prohibition era. This lead us to
do our project /exhibit on the prohibition era through the eyes of the WCTU.
While doing this research on the WCTU we saw the opportunity to do something on
the prohibition which was a important part of the history. During this time a
lot of significant things happen.
How we created the EXHIBIT: My group member and I started to organize the important
points of our research. We created outline of the most important picture and
quote of our project. We then look on the rule in the NHD rule book of how the
exhibit should be for example the height width, 500 word limit. Then we
collaborated and work on printing the picture and the font also we designed the
broad so it looks presentable.
How our project related to the theme:
Or project is related to the theme because it is
research done within a important time period in history. The theme for
this year was Revolution, Reaction, and Reform in History and this was a event
that happen 50 years ago. We were able to show what lead up to the revolution
of the alcohol being illegal. The reaction after when the alcohol became illegal
violence and crime rates rose ,flapper was stating to develop ,the women during
that time the 19 amendment granted the women the right to vote ,illegal
underground dealing of alcohol and the speakeasies were developed and the stock
market also crashed. The reform was that the 21 amendment made alcohol legal
again and it the amount was modified. This was a very important because never 200 years an
amendment has been repealed. So this why our theme is related to the theme of
the national history day’s theme ,it’s portray each term of Revolution, Reaction, and Reform each has a example of how
the relate.
WCTU. "WCTU Opposes
Amethyst Initiative." Welcome
to the WCTU. Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 29 Sept. 2008. Web. 28
Feb. 2012. <http://www.wctu.org/amethyst.html>.
found this web page helpful because we have done the prohibition of alcohol
through the WCTU. eyes and this a example of how the WCTU is still fighting the
same issue they fought for 50 years ago. So this gave on information on what
the WCTU is doing presently.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
of Minnesota. "Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Minnesota Records.
Dates:." Minnesota Historical Society. Web. 2009.
This a site which give
information and the different WCTU conference that was hold over a consecutive
year .This show how one of the subdivision of the WCTU how the run they run
their meeting the order of protocols. Records related to statewide women’s
organization focused primarily on raising public awareness of the personal and
social problems brought about by the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and on
the advocacy of individual abstinence and prohibition. Includes records of
district and local unions (chapters).
Wiillard. "Let Something Good Be Said: Speeches and Writings of Frances E.
Willard - Frances Elizabeth Willard, Carolyn De Swarte Gifford." Google
Books. Board of Trustee, 2009.
Web. 06 Jan. 2012. <http://books.google.com/books? id=kt6w5t1YStcC>.
This is a book
about the first president of the WCTU. Its autobiography on the president, and
the many speeches she gives at every rally meeting and protest. It talks about
her journey of campaigner all over the country to recruit. How the conduct a
meeting and this book celebrate the effort Willard put in to form and get women
to fight for the cause she stands for.
McGrewcalifronia, Jane Lang. "History of Alcohol
Prohibition." DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policy. California Drug
Policy. Web. 09 Jan. 2012.
This a source that give a break down of the years of
the WCTU. Its full with information of the different activity that happens. It
also gives excerpt from interview with different members of the organization. The
reason why theses women put their life on the line to support a good cause and
get the government to make alcohol illegal.
Anonimous. "Alcohol
Prohibition." EH.net. Economic History Associatio, 2 Jan. 2010.
Web. 2 Jan. 2011.
This a very
informative site that give you the step by step breakdown with the day when the
the Prohibition ended. This will give me incite on what happen and the effect
it had on the society after. One example after the Prohibition the crime rate
raised. and the was uncover bars ruined and illegal Raids . EH.NET " e
evidence on Prohibition and crime focuses on the homicide rate, since this is
the only type of crime for which data are reported consistently both before,
during, and after Prohibition.10 Figure 3 presents the homicide rate in the
United States (measured as homicides per 100,000 population) for the period
1900-1995" This is one of the statics that the source gave.
Elly, Martin. "Prohibition Era
Timeline - Timeline of Prohibition Era." American History From About. American History.com.
Web. 10 Jan. 2012.
I used this source to figure out the different time and date that
related to my topic . it help me to know the specific dates for each leg of the
journey of Prohibition . I will used this to make a timeline to show on the
blog to help to provide as reference .
WCTU. "| WCTU Drinking Fountains | Glendora CA |." Welcome to the WCTU. Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 29
Sept. 2008. Web. 28 Feb. 2012. <http://www.wctu.com/Glendora.html>.
This a picture of a old WCTU fountain. this what they women of that organization
put these outside of saloon to promote the men to drink water and not alcohol.
This will help us to tell our story visually
Secondary Source:
Albalagh Children Home. "Prohibition of Alcohol." Albalagh Home Page. Albalagh Children Home. Web. 28 Feb.
2012. <http://www.albalagh.net/kids/history/prohibition.shtml>.
This source has help us to understand the prohibition in a nutshell. I
was able to get the main idea of what the prohibition was about and how it
developed. This is really help I would recommend it to any one who is doing a
project on the prohibition.
- This is a photo on one of the fountains that were
made around the drinking problems started to occur. They where put up around
saloons that where closing or selling very low products of alcohol. These where
created for people to have a nice cold drink instead of running to the saloons
to get a beverage that only caused harm to them. This was a way to relax those
heavy drinkers and switch to something that where more refreshing. Many of
these where set among the streets that supported the WCTU, and some in front of
saloon fronts.
* WTCU. N.d. Photograph. Drinking fountain , Glendora CA.
Web. 09 Jan 2012. <http://www.wctu.com/Glendora.html>.
- This photo reads "Lips That Touch Liquor Shall
Not Touch Ours". Back then drinking was a crime and still is today. Many
people do it for fun,but don't realize that effect it has on themselves and
other people. It became such a problem back in the day when woman thought that
drinking was a horrible thing. The smell of it on your breath or just around
the person who abused drinking was ranked from it. They found it to be unattractive
and a destroyer.
*WTCU. N.d. Painting. n.p. Web. 09 Jan 2012.
It May Be a Losing Battle, but W.C.T.U. Is Out There
- I want to use this source because is shows the
WCTU success in Chicago on August 06,1971. I am really proud too see that they
loose very few battles. They all stood together to fight for justice, and
that's what caught eye for other woman in other states to join then in this
revolution. The WCTU union has been able to grow over the year in their time an
d has reached more then 10 states to walk through this war with them. To this
much liquor
(--------------------------------------------------------------------------) in
state attract to a small amount of this (---). The WCTU is still around, and
many families still struggle with the drug abuse today. Mostly which can lead
to child abuse, self abuse, abuse to others, and lead to mentally and
physically distraction.
* *"It May Be a Losing Battle, but W.C.T.U. Is
Out There Fighting." New York Times. 06 09 1971: 1. Web. 13 Jan.
Susanna Madora Salter --
First Woman Mayor
by Monroe Billington
- This is a story about a woman named Susanna Madora.
She was elected by the W.C.T.U to be an officer for her district. She had
a struggle making it in the WCTU because of the negativity that she had to go
through just to get her votes in was ridicules. Men like today where jealous
that woman was able to have such power and control over the organization they
were running.There were so many hacks and scams they did from keeping her being
successful in the WTCU. It's a shame that men where selfish to ever see a woman
do good, or let alone see a woman do better then them.
*Billingtion, Monroe. "Susanna Madora Salter --
First Woman Mayor ." Kancoll. Kansas Collection: Kansas Historical
Quarterlies , Autumn 1954. Web. 5 Jan 2012.
Frances Willard
- I want to use this in our project because it talks
about the first woman who was the heading of the WCTU. WIllard was also the
first dean of woman. I think talking about the first woman is import an because
she is the one who had the most work, and the most compassion for this. I would
add things about her old life when she was a child, until she was adult.I want
to talk about what made her interested in starting the alliance agasint
alcohol. There are a few interested things such as her not being married, and
having a travel and sedentary companion for 22 years. She was a woman.
* Johnson- Lewis, Jone. "Womans History." Frances
Willard. About, n.d. Web. 13 Jan 2012.
group 6
group 6 Who Are Syria's enemies
One Minute 2fer Jamelia Barrett
¡ Mi Casa Lejos de Casa ! SLA
SLA es un lugar maravilloso para el aprendizaje. Es divertida, diferente, interesante. Tenemos múltiples clubes tal como la poesía, las matemáticas, la ciencia, la música y así sucesivamente. Hay de veinte cinco profesores. Quinientos estudiantes. Estamos en el centro de la cuidad de Filadelfia .SLA es muy interesante y divertida.
Clase: teatro
Profesor: El Señor Kay
Actividades en la clase: en la clase de teatro guiones de prácticas.
Responsabilidades: para tener éxito prestar atención a
los estudiantes
Materiales: actuando habilidad
Opinión: Opinión: Me gusta la clase de teatro porque es no necesario utensilio
para escribir
Historia Profesor: El Señor Herman Responsabilidades: para tener
éxito prestar atención y participamos Materiales: La carpeta, la
computadora, unas pluma y un lápiz.
Actividades en la clase: leemos articulo ,
ver histórico video y hablamos de la historia de Americana.
Tenemos muchas pláticas sobre la historia en diferentes países
Opinión: Me gusta la clase de historia porque es
muy interesante .
MilItary Industrial Complex ... EJ, JB, IS
¡ Hola Greivis Flores !
Querido Greivis Flores
¡Hola! muchacho . ¿ Cómo va ? Mi nombre es Jamelia
Barrett . Tengo diecisiete años.
Mi compélanos es el tres de
julio. Soy de Jamaica pero vivo en
Filadelfia con mi familia. Jamaica no esta lejos de Venezuela soy de
descendencia west Indiana. Tengo
dos hermanas y cuatro hermanos. El tiempo en Filadelfia durante el otoño hace
un poquito frío. En el verano hace mucho calor . A veces el temperatura hace 90 degrado. En
el invierno está nevando y hace mucho frío. En la primavera hace sol y fresco. ¿Y
tu ? ¿Qué tiempo hace en Maracaibo? Filadelfia es una ciudad entre la ciudad de Nueva York y la
capital . Es una ciudad bastante grande, también se conoce como “ La Cuidad de Amor Fraternal.
Yo siempre estudiar. Soy bastante alta porque yo practicar
volley ball. También soy simpática y por lo general sociable depende del día.
Sin embargo soy más o menos loca ,boba ,un
poquito seria a veces. Me fascina
cocinar con mi mamá los fines de semana. ¿ Y a ti ? Cómo eres? Me
encanta nadar ,hablar por teléfono y ver la tele . Los fines de semana me
gusta dormir , relajar , ir al
cine con amiga ,ir de compras y
pasar un rato con amigos. ¿ Y a ti
? ¿Qué te gusta hacer en
Maracaibo? Me gusta Keyshia Coles , Beyonce, Rihanna , Chris Brown , GIPTIAN,
VYBZ KARTEL, BENNI MAN, BERES HAMMOND .y otros también. Me fascina reggae , hip
hop y R&B . Aquí hay videos y canciones que me gusta. ¿ Y a ti ? ¿Qué música te gusta escuchar? Uf , no me gusta nada correr ni jugar
videojuegos. Bueno me voy porque tengo la clase de baile . Hasta luego responde cuando puedas.
Con cariño
Jamelia Barrett
Jamelia Barrett BM1 South Philadelphia
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