Q4 Benchmark
The most challenging thing about this project was coming up with things that I could easily find in Philadelphia that could represent the different aspects of globalization. Some of them were not all that hard to think of, but others were very hard. I first thought that I would just walk around the city taking pictures of things that I saw. I thought that as I saw things, ideas would come to me and I would take a picture. This method did not work when I went about walking around. I then sat down and thought of ideas for pictures that I could take in my head and where I could take them. This method worked a lot better. I think that my favorite image is the one of the solar panels. Although it is kind of hard to see them in the picture, they are good for representing that aspect of globalization which is environment and energy. I took the picture of my neighbor's roof because his house is powered by solar panels. I think that Philadelphia shows an average amount of evidence for globalization compared to other cities. As I said in my project, I think that immigration is the most important element of globalization so probably cities that have a lot of immigrants are what show evidence of globalization the most. Probably cities like San Diego or Los Angeles which have a lot of Mexican immigrants, or Boston which has a lot of Irish immigrants.