World of 100
In our globalization class, we did a study on how the world would be divided if there were only 100 people. We'd first would make and estimation on the how the world would be in different categories such as what would be the most popular religion, poverty, etc. Then we would take a look at what the class came together as a collective average. We would compare both these numbers to the real percentages of numbers. In my data, I have come to see that my numbers were much closer to the class average then to the real numbers. None of my estimations came close to the real numbers. I think this is the case because I was a little more bias in my estimates. For example with geography, I choose to use africa as the place where the most people are from. But in the other categories, my classmates and I were very close in our predictions. I think this was possibly the case because of the way we are living today and how we live our lives. We only have a single story of what the rest of the world is like compared to our own. The numbers that I really found stagering was the amount of people that would be from North America. My instincts would tell me that the source of life is from Africa, and that is what shifted my thoughts. My estimations weren't completely off, but they were definitely not close to what I expected them to be. The reason I think we chose the numbers we did was because of the way we live today and the different views we the world.