Respiration Presentation: Presented by Gabrielle Kreidie
In Bio Chemistry, each table came together and made their very own PowerPoint presentation either for respiration or photosynthesis. My table and I got the topic of respiration. We studied respiration inside human beings and learned "a lot". After a week of making this presentation to the best of our ability we finished this presentation for the whole world to find.
We already knew about respiration since we studied the topic of respiration for many class periods. Our job was to go deeper and figure out the tough questions. For example: why do we breathe? Not all questions and answers made it into our presentation but we got the basics. Next time we may want to make the presentation as deep as we found so that people would be able to find out more and more.
Never the less, I present to you the PowerPoint presentation on respiration by Tomas Arango, Quinn Grzywinski, Niah Lambo, and myself, Gabrielle Kreidie. Enjoy!